
it has again been requested that localepurge can clean up GNOME help
files, and it should really be simple and non-disruptive to achieve.

For each directory in /usr/share/omf, you will find these kinds of
      * /usr/share/omf/foo/foo-C.omf
      * /usr/share/omf/foo/foo-ll.omf
      * /usr/share/omf/foo/foo-ll_LL.omf

You can remove the -ll and -ll_LL files that are not relevant for the
locales you want to keep.

Similarly, to purge /usr/share/gnome/help, you will find:
      * /usr/share/gnome/help/foo/C/
      * /usr/share/gnome/help/foo/ll/
      * /usr/share/gnome/help/foo/ll_LL/
and you can delete them with the same heuristics. It is only important
to keep the C versions.

After deleting files there, you need to run “scrollkeeper-update -q” to
update the indices (if the command exists).

I don’t think there’s anything more complicated than what you are
already doing for /usr/share/locale, and there’s little risk of

Please don’t hesitate to ask if you need any more information on this

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