package deluge
severity 520965 important
retitle 520965 deluge: segfault if locale is not using UTF-8 encoding
tags 520965 moreinfo

On 25-Mar-2009, Konstantin Kostadinov wrote:
> You are right, that solves the problem with faulty start.
> It is work now with en_US.UTF-8

Can you report (here in this bug report) what the locale was that led
to the segfault?

Though there is now a workaround, the program should never crash
regardless of the locale. I'm changing the severity to ‘important’
because of this.

 \           “Man cannot be uplifted; he must be seduced into virtue.” |
  `\                                      —Donald Robert Perry Marquis |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney <>

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