Il giorno mer, 01/04/2009 alle 17.51 +0200, Michael Biebl ha scritto:
> So, the first device eth0 is *not* managed (see README.Debian, what
> that means) and the second, wlan0, is apparenly disabled via the radio
> killswitch. If the second is not true, maybe this is due to an
> upgraded kernel i.e. driver issue.
> so far I can't see any NM related bug.

Well, yes and no IMHO. I didn't change anything in my configuration
(neither upgraded my kernel package) and NetworkManager stopped at the
same time:
      * starting at boot (or something like that, why else the applet
        shows up only when I start it from the command line?)
      * managing my eth0 (which I did configure through /e/n/i only
        after hitting this problem)

This is my /etc/network/interfaces
        # This file describes the network interfaces available on your
        # and how to activate them. For more information, see
        # The loopback network interface
        auto lo
        iface lo inet loopback
        # The primary network interface
        allow-hotplug eth0

But, contrary on what is explained in NetworkManager
reports eth0 as "unmanaged".


Stefano Costa Open Archaeology

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