On 07-Apr-2009, Noah Slater wrote:
> Thanks, there are still some issues before I upload.

No problem.

> What benefit is there to tagging the bug? Why did you go out of your
> way?

I was looking for ways to help the ‘python-support’ transition, and
saw a bug which looked like it had not been addressed and no
communication from the maintainer as to what the status was.

So, on discovering that the maintainer has a fix pending upload, I
tagged the bug report to indicate that fact to anyone *else* who may
be looking to help with the bug.

 \     Rommel: “Don't move, or I'll turn the key on this can of Spam!” |
  `\                               —The Goon Show, _Rommel's Treasure_ |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney <b...@benfinney.id.au>

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