Michael Tautschnig wrote:
>> One part of the patch in experimental (which replaces ifconfig with ip
>> calls) removes the variable $mask, so that now the NFSROOT is only
>> exported to the IP address of the server. I'm pretty sure this will
>> break things. Or did I overlooked something?
> ip addr includes the mask in the output, so it would be there rightaway, like
> this:
> mole:~# ip addr show dev eth0
> 2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,10000> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast qlen 1000
>     link/ether 00:14:4f:9e:af:b0 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
>     inet brd scope global eth0
>     inet6 fe80::214:4fff:fe9e:afb0/64 scope link 
>        valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
> The patch, however, indeed seems to be broken because of the cut -d / -f 1,
> which drops the mask. Luk (BCC'ed), could you comment on that?

Well, it was only being used for single IPs anyway, so the netmask
doesn't make any difference AFAICS. Though feel free to adjust to also
use the netmask if you like it better.



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