On jeu, 2009-04-09 at 23:18 +0200, Mathias Brodala wrote:
> Today I stumbled upon something within my /var/log/auth.log which seems
> to be related to this still occuring issue:
> > Apr  6 23:25:56 core2 dbus-daemon: Rejected send message, 3 matched rules; 
> > type="method_call", sender=":1.46" (uid=1000 pid=3151 
> > comm="/usr/bin/xfce4-session ") 
> > interface="org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.SystemPowerManagement" 
> > member="ThisMethodMustNotExistInHal" error name="(unset)" requested_reply=0 
> > destination="org.freedesktop.Hal" (uid=0 pid=2791 comm="/usr/sbin/hald "))
> > Apr  6 23:25:56 core2 sudo:   ashura : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/home/ashura ; 
> > USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/sbin/xfsm-shutdown-helper
> > Apr  6 23:26:04 core2 gdm[2873]: pam_unix(gdm-autologin:session): session 
> > closed for user ashura
> After this I grepped through all other logfiles for similarly suspicious
> entries but could not find any more.

I don't think it's anything related. Xfce 4.6 has now entered unstable,
and hal with policykit/consolekit too. So basically there's not much
chance the situation is the same as it was before.

Please, if you did an upgrade for those packages before reopening,
re-close it because it's definitely not the same bug.

If you still have problems, please reopen a new one, and re-summarize

(on the other hand, if you didn't upgraded anything since then, please
resummarize what you did, but don't close)

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