Marcus Better wrote:
>> Could you please remove this rule again, reboot and try again.
>> If that doesn't work, please send me the output of ck-list-sessions.
> Did that, problem still there.
> ~$ ck-list-sessions
> Session1:
>         unix-user = '1000'
>         realname = 'Marcus Better,,,'
>         seat = 'Seat1'
>         session-type = ''
>         active = TRUE
>         x11-display = ':0'
>         x11-display-device = '/dev/tty7'
>         display-device = ''
>         remote-host-name = ''
>         is-local = TRUE
>         on-since = '2009-04-20T19:12:24.302665Z'
>         login-session-id = '4294967295'
> Session2:
>         unix-user = '1000'
>         realname = 'Marcus Better,,,'
>         seat = 'Seat2'
>         session-type = ''
>         active = FALSE
>         x11-display = ':0'
>         x11-display-device = ''
>         display-device = ''
>         remote-host-name = ''
>         is-local = TRUE
>         on-since = '2009-04-20T19:12:24.559830Z'
>         login-session-id = '4294967295'
> I'm really only logged in to one KDE session, the only login since booting.

Ok, I think this leads us into the right direction (you should only have on CK
Which login manager do you use (kdm, gdm etc) or do you use startx.
If the latter, does it help if you remove libpam-ck-connector (resp.
dpkg-reconfigure libpam-ck-connector and *not* select "ConsoleKit Session


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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