Le mardi 21 avril 2009 à 00:24 +0300, Eugene V. Lyubimkin a écrit :
> WTF? Since when fd.o decides how should I organize _my home_ directory? The
> package (some) didn't showed me any questions and changed my home directory in
> the way it wants? 

It created directories that it needs. This is not a conspiracy to make
you lose your data.

> What if some package tomorrow will decide that some files in
> my home directory is unneeded and delete them because someone decided that not
> having these kind of files is "standard"? 

If this happens, please tell any sane Debian developer and he will slap
the person who did that with a giant cluebat. But since this didn’t
happen, I suspect that you are just bitching without a reason.

> How can I trust such a system?

If you decide whether you trust your system based on such idiotic
criteria, I think you should let others decide whether you can trust it.

> That's horrible... I would say Debian should never have such a "tools".

I don’t know what you think Debian should be. Maybe some kind of arcane
OS “for hackers” that you only see in movies.

> I would either drop any dependency on the culprit package that is stronger
> than 'Suggests' or patch it to at least show questions to choose what kind of
> directories I like to have, maybe using debconf, but in not under any
> circumstances by default without confirmation.

If you see any package using debconf to ask such stupid questions,
please tell me so that I file a bug for abusing the debconf system in
two absolutely atrocious ways (maintainers scripts don’t mess with home
directories, and you don’t ask stupid questions in debconf).

Anyway, there’s no such thing as a “culprit package”. Programs needing
the XDG user directories will create them as they see fit, unless you
set them to existing directories in “~/.config/user-dirs.dirs”.

 .''`.      Debian 5.0 “Lenny” has been released!
: :' :
`. `'   Last night, Darth Vader came down from planet Vulcan and told
  `-    me that if you don't install Lenny, he’d melt your brain.

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