package org-mode
fixed 524951 6.26a-4

On 22-Apr-2009, Sebastien Delafond wrote:
> You misunderstood me; the code I pasted is already in 6.26a-3

Ah, that was the crucial missing part. The latest release I was aware
of was yesterday's release of 6.26a-1.

> which I tested installs fine with emacs21 present on the system, and
> was asking that you confirm it doesn't for you.

Fixed in 6.26a-4, as far as I can tell. (Other problems now revealed
with emacs21 versus other packages, but ‘org-mode’ is apparently
installed fine now.)

 \         “If life deals you lemons, why not go kill someone with the |
  `\     lemons (maybe by shoving them down his throat).” —Jack Handey |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney <>

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