On Wednesday 22 Apr 2009 23:17:56 Nicholas Marriott wrote:
> fdm doesn't keep track of mail it has seen unless you tell it to. Due
> to limitations in POP3 it requires a separate cache file (IMAP does
> not require one). Look for new-only and old-only in the manual, IIRC
> they have been there since about 1.4... I've been slacking on fdm
> recently so they certainly haven't been added after the latest
> release.
> As ft says you can use keep to tell fdm not to delete the mail after
> it has been fetched, but it will of course fetch it again next time
> unless you use new-only.

Yes, the bug report was for that part of the problem itself. I have new-only 
defined in my settings, but still it downloaded the same emails again..

here's my settings:
account "company-pop3" disabled pop3
        server "company.hostname.com"
        user "rrs"
        pass "password"
    new-only cache "${base}/company-cache"

"keep" was the only new keyword I added today. Otherwise everything was there 
before. But still it re-downloaded messages. I am going to test it again 
tomorrow to confirm the behavior.

BTW, does the cache expire ever ?

Ritesh Raj Sarraf
RESEARCHUT - http://www.researchut.com
"Necessity is the mother of invention."

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