sorry,post from google groups seems not working,So I post again.
> Hi Gunter,
> thanks for going through this pain of kernel testing :)
> On Sat, 2009-04-18 at 11:24 +0200, Gunter Ohrner wrote:
> > Unfortunately PAT does not seem to be the (only) culprit, I still get:
> >
> > $ egrep 'tiling' < /var/log/Xorg.0.log
> > (EE) intel(0): Failed to set tiling on front buffer: rejected by kernel
> > (EE) intel(0): Failed to set tiling on back buffer: rejected by kernel
> > (EE) intel(0): Failed to set tiling on depth buffer: rejected by kernel
> >
> > as with the original 2.6.29 image and Xorg compositing performance is
> > still unusuably slow.

with 2.6.29 If  use EXA ,I also get these three error lines
but if use UXA, only the front buffer error occurs

> AIUI there are tiling fixes queued for upcoming kernels. Hopefully
> 2.6.30 will behave better...

Yes,I followed this ,and built a custom 2.6.30-rc3 kernel from git
the errors disappear.but still UXA is much faster than EXA

here's my simple benchmark result:

           x11perf -aa10text       glxgears
EXA:     459000.0/sec               45FPS
UXA :    654000.0/sec            430FPS

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