On mar, 2009-04-28 at 08:02 +0200, Enrico Tröger wrote:

> [W] ci-tracker.c:366: Error doing GetSessionForUnixProcess on
> ConsoleKit: org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Manager.GeneralError: Unable to
> lookup session information for process '2465'
> Process 2465 was xfce4-session.

Does this happen everytime. I mean, does this happen if you completely
quit the session and retry? Does this happen with another user? Does
this happen after a manual reboot? The powerdev group is not needed
anymore if you use policykit + consolekit, iirc (and anyway there's no
more dbus stuff for handling the powerdev group).
> The only related messages in ~/.xsession-errors were:
> ** Message: xfsm-shutdown-helper.c:268: Using HAL to shutdown/reboot
> the computer.
> ** (xfce4-session:2465): WARNING **: xfsm-shutdown-helper.c:234: Failed
> to contact HAL: org.freedesktop.hal.power-management.shutdown no <--
> (action, result)

That could be because you indeed don't have permissions to contact the
hal daemon.

> I'm on Debian Testing with:

Debian Testing doesn't really have a consistent situation wrt. Xfce so
it might be related too. Which Xfce packages versions do you have?


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