tag 526435 patch

Hi Paul,

Paul Gevers wrote:

> I spend quite some time yesterday of finding a sting which was in all
> CAPS. Please add some comment to the description that the string
> reported might be found in any variant of capitization. Maybe also a add
> comment on how to find the string yourself, i.e. use
> "strings <binary> | grep -i <string>".

Good idea, thanks. The new description proposed in the attached patch

N: spelling-error-in-binary
N:   Lintian found a spelling error in the given binary. Lintian has a list
N:   of common misspellings that it looks for. It does not have a
N:   dictionary like a spelling checker does. For lintian's convenience all
N:   words are normalised to lower case.
N:   If the string containing the spelling error is translated with the
N:   help of gettext or a similar tool, please fix the error in the
N:   translations as well as the English text to avoid making the
N:   translations fuzzy. With gettext, for example, this means you should
N:   also fix the spelling mistake in the corresponding msgids in the *.po
N:   files.
N:   To find the original word you can run:
N:   strings <binary> | grep -i <word>
N:   You can often find the word in the source code by running:
N:   grep -r '\b<original-word>\b' <source-tree>

Raphael Geissert - Debian Maintainer
www.debian.org - get.debian.net

Attachment: lintian-spelling_desc.mbox
Description: application/mbox

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