reassign 527255 quilt
retitle 527255 Please provide a dh sequence addon
Joey Hess schrieb:
Fabian Greffrath wrote:
what I really don't like in debhelper (and this is the reason why I
still prefer cdbs for most of my packages) is, that debhelper does still
need manual modification in order to involve patch management systems
like dpatch or quilt.
dh sequence addons offer all the infrastructure needed to make enabling
a patch management system as simple as adding "--with quilt" to the dh
command line.
This would be perfect!
However, noone has bothered to write such an addon for any patch system
yet, AFAIK. I've suggested to various people that they do so, but nobody
has bitten yet, and as I don't use patch systems, I'm not the one to do it.
(Though I'm happy to offer technical support to anyone working on it.)
Also, the sequence addons don't really belong in debhelper, but instead
in the patch system packages. (So this bug should probably be
Alright, so I have reassigned it to the quilt package in hope that
someone picks it up and does the dirty work...
How to do it:
* Write some simple debhelper commands like dh_quilt_patch and
dh_quilt_unpatch. These would be simple thin wrappers around
quilt commands.
* Add a /usr/share/perl5/Debian/Debhelper/Sequence/ that
inserts those commands into the dh command sequence in appropriate
places. Something like this, but where they are inserted may need
to be tweaked:
use warnings;
use strict;
use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
insert_before("dh_auto_configure", "dh_quilt_patch");
insert_after("dh_clean", "dh_quilt_unpatch");
Dipl.-Phys. Fabian Greffrath
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Lehrstuhl für Energieanlagen und Energieprozesstechnik (LEAT)
Universitätsstr. 150, IB 3/134
D-44780 Bochum
Telefon: +49 (0)234 / 32-26334
Fax: +49 (0)234 / 32-14227
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