Severity: wishlist


I hereby request to create a new Debian mailing list.

Name: debian-cli
 In 2004 we pushed the first CLI (Common Language Infrastructure) [0]
 runtime into Debian called Mono.

 The Mono packaging is hosted on Alioth since then, and we have
 pkg-mono-group, pkg-mono-devel, and pkg-mono-svn-commits mailing
 lists on it.

 pkg-mono-group is used by the Mono packaging team for internal
 discussion and for the Maintainer field. So all bug handling etc goes
 through that.

 pkg-mono-devel is used for public discussion regarding packaging
 Mono and related packages (Mono has more than 1 source package).

 pkg-svn-commits is used for commit mails.

 ... 5 years passed ...

 Mono [0] is (or was) not the only CLI runtime in Debian or other
 freely available CLI runtime:
 - GNU Portable.NET [1]
 - VMKit / LLVM [2]

 About 100 source packages in Debian are using or based on the
 Common Language Infrastructure (this became visible for the Mono
 2.0 transition) [3].

 There is now a need for discussion for using or developing for CLI
 runtimes, programming using the CLI (like C#, VB.NET, Boo, Nemerle, or
 other languages for the CLI) and CLI based/enabled libraries or
 applications (like GTK+/#, GMime, D-Bus#, Tomboy, Banshee, F-Spot).

 Some users where able to discover the pkg-mono-devel mailing list, but
 the topic are not really on topic there. And the mailing list is also
 not very visible to Debian users (and also not intended for them).

 About the name debian-cli:
 CLI aka Common Language Infrastructure is the common dominator between
 all runtimes and programming languages that target the CLI.

 Similar technology found by other vendors such as Java, use the same
 term for everything: Java the virtual machine, Java the runtime, Java
 the bytecode, Java the programming language, Java the platform.

 This is differently with CLI. VES is the virtual machine, CLR is the
 runtime, CIL is the bytecode, C# is the programming language, MS .NET
 or Mono is the platform. For some more details about the terms and the
 distinction check the Debian CLI Policy [5]

 As we want to keep the mailing list runtime _and_ language neutral,
 debian-cli is the correct name for it. 

Short description:
 Discussion about Common Language Infrastructure based/enabled runtimes,
 programming languages, libraries and applications

Long description:
 This list is about using and/or developing for the Common Language 
Infrastructure (CLI).

 If you want to develop software or create Debian packages that uses Mono, GNU 
 or LLVM VMKit then you are right on this mailing list.

 If you are writing software in C#, VB.NET, Boo, Nemerle or other CLI 
 programming languages then you are also welcome on this list.

Category: Users and Developers
Subscription Policy: open
Post Policy: open
Web Archive: yes

[0] ECMA:


Mirco 'meebey' Bauer

PGP-Key ID: 0xEEF946C8

FOSS Developer
PEAR Developer
Debian Developer

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