
If we only use $ARG1$, we need to update all of the documentation that ships with the Nagios packages. For example, the sample windows.cfg file that ships with nagios3-common includes the following code:

define service{
        use                     generic-service
        host_name                       winserver
        service_description     Memory Usage
        check_command           check_nt!MEMUSE!-w 80 -c 90

This matches the documentation that ships with nagios3-doc as well as the upstream documentation. We could, of course, change all our internal documentation, but adding $ARG2$ makes the Debian packages function more closely like the upstream and has no negative impact on existing installations because $ARG2$ is ignored if empty.

Soren Stoutner

Jan Wagner wrote:
Hi Sven,

On Tuesday 12 May 2009, Sven Velt wrote:
I *would* prefer "check_nscp" as the author named the software. But yes,
it would be a nice solution (independent of chosen command_name) for the
Debian packages.

okay ... point taken. :)

Maybe we could add another one with "-l '$ARGV2'" add... ;-)

Hmm ... I personly prefer general solutions and the one just with $ARGV1 is one in my eyes ... beside the documentaion shipped with nagios (upstream and with our package), where they use also $ARGV2, we didn't reference anything about such a way in our package. Why should we use different checks, if we can do the same with one?

For example "check_command check_nt!'MEMUSE -w 80 -c 90'" works like a charm.

With kind regards, Jan.

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