On Sat, 23 May 2009 15:35:18 +0800
Clayton <cko...@gmail.com> wrote:

> You can go ahead and close this bug, and please excuse the noise.

  No problem, closing bug.
> I was a little too quick with the trigger finger..... After sending the
> bug report, I downgraded Sylpheed to the stable version, and it *still*
> did not work. Further investigation lead me to discover the first line
> in my /var/spool/mail file began with "rom: ". After pre-pending an "F"
> to this first line Sylpheed's normal behavior of fetching
> from /var/spool/mail was restored.

  Glad to hear that :) at least is a known bug.

> I would suggest, though, that greater priority be given to bug 210409.
> I would call it a bug, not a wishlist item.

  Indeed, but it was forwarded to upstream author more than four years ago
  and I've received any response regarding this nor seen any mention this is
  fixed in the ChangeLog, so I guess chances are low.
 Ricardo Mones
 «Q: How many lawyers does it take to change a light bulb? A: One. Only 
 it's his light bulb when he's done.»

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