Adeodato Simó wrote:
> Well, techincally they're different issues: you can fix #530345 just by
> doing a sourceful upload with no changes, but source changes are needed
> to fix #531219. But it seems you're interested in fixing #531219 already,
> which is excellent. :-)
Fair point.. But yes, if I fix my package I want to fix it properly; I
just uploaded a BitlBee 1.2.3-2 that fixes a whole bunch of bugs. :-)
(And hopefully doesn't introduce anything too serious. :-P)

> So with "not possible" I mean that you need, normally:
>     Depends: foo (>= ${source:Version}), foo (<< ${source:Version}.)
> or something similar.
@Frank: Sorry, I clicked on that link, but failed to notice the comment
on the page, only saw the list of broken packages. :-/ But yes, that
page explains the same thing and says that "something similar" is .1~. :-)

Thanks for your help,

Wilmer van der Gaast.

+-------- .''`.     - -- ---+  +        - -- --- ---- ----- ------+
| wilmer : :'  : |  | OSS Programmer |
| lintux `. `~' |  | Full-time geek |
+--- -- -  ` ---------------+  +------ ----- ---- --- -- -        +

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