Hi Sam,

Thanks for your quick reply.

* [10.06.09 01:13]:
> Gss calls gss_import_name (lib/gssapi/krb5/import_name.c) and that
> calls krb5_sname_to_principal (src/lib/krb5/os/sn2princ.c) which is
> almost certainly your problem.
> However I think that just calls getaddrinfo and getnameinfo so I
> suspect something strange is going on here.
It calls getaddrinfo with ai_flags = AI_CANONNAME and ai_family = AF_INET,
which seems to be the problem. The resolver apparantly retries until it finds
a canonical name for the AF_INET family. As bar.foo.net has only an AF_INET6
record, it will be skipped.

Changing hints.ai_family to 0, it works. I’m not sure why you don’t do that by
default? There is some code below, which, in case of an error when resolving,
does exactly that and retries the whole process. However, the error won’t be
triggered since I got the fallback-host bar.foo.lan, as mentioned.

Best regards,

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