Hi Javier,

> I propose the attached patch, a shell script that would replace "openttd" as
> the command to be executed by the OpenTTD menu item.
Cool, thanks. I already saw the Ubuntu bug report [1], but didn't have time to
reply yet. I like the idea. I don't use the Debian menus myself, I start my
programs from a console mostly, where you do get a decent error message. I
hadn't before realized that this doesn't happen when you start from the menu.
So, I agree that this is something we must fix in some way.

However, I'm not 100% sure if this approach is the best one to take. An
alternative approach would be to introduce an extra package
openttd-original-graphics, which would do something like your script at
install time, and make openttd depend on that.

This is probably not very differen right now, but makes the transition to the
use of free graphics a lot easier later on. Currently there is ongoing work on
the "OpenGFX" package, which is aimed to be a replacement for the original
OpenTTD graphics. With the separate package approach, we could make openttd
then depend on openttd-opengfx | openttd-original-graphics or something like

Any thoughts on this?

As for the patch you created, it looks good. It has some decently named
functions, decent comments and is translatable.



[1]: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openttd/+bug/388402

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