Rene Engelhard <> writes:

> tag 533874 + unreproducible
> tag 533874 + moreinfo
> thanks
> Christian Marillat wrote:
>> Since 3.1 calc is unable to open an url from an hyperlink entry in my
>> default www-broser defined by sensible-browser.
> OOC, which DE/WM?

XFCE and xfwm4.

>> Apparently openoffice-writer is opened instead and then crash. 
>> Doing an strace like this :
>> strace -s 80 -a 132 -fo log oocalc file.ods
>> and then grepping for open-url return nothing.
>> I was able to solve this problem by exporting "BROWSER=iceweasel" but
>> since -5 this doesn't work.
>> If I remove the package then the url is opened in 
>> iceweasel.
> I tried with a 3.1.1 snapshot - AFSIS doesn't have any changes related to 
> this to 3.1.0 -
> in a sid chroot under GNOME; with both -writer and -calc installed and
> it opened ""; which I put into A1 just fine. (But there 
> already
> was a iceweasel running on the lenny host, this shouldn't affect it, though)

But I don't use 3.1.1 only 3.1.0


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