On Thu, Jul 07, 2005 at 11:20:19PM +0200, Andreas Krüger wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Michael Koch wrote:
> > You are really suggesting to deactivate the security manager by default?
> What I really suggest is: When I install Sarge Tomcat on a Sarge box,
> together with all packages it depends on, it should operate.
> Personally, I much rather deactivate the security manager, than throw
> Tomcat 4 out of Sarge main back into contrib. I am willing to go with
> Tomcat 4 rather than Tomcat 5, and make do without this, that, and the
> other feature, if that buys me free software. The web application that I
> intend to deploy has not yet been written, so I can make it happen.
> > The bug is in kaffe not tomcat4. Tomcat4 works fine with other runtimes with
> > security manager enabled. The bug in kaffe is fixed in CVS and probably in
> > unstable too.
> Good to know. Thank you for the information.
> This particular bug is concerned with Sarge, though. This will be a
> "production server" (of sorts). The security team's backing is important
> for me, for whatever I end up running.
> > I can't check currently. This needs to be checked and this bug
> > needs then get moved to kaffe and tagged "sarge".
> Disabling the security manager is not something to be taken lightly, yes.
> Pulling a brand-new release of kaffe into Sarge is not to be taken lightly,
> either.  Which of these two, or maybe what else, is the best way for Debian
> to get Tomcat Sargly running?

For Sarge its too late to change this. Your best option is to use a backport
of kaffe from testing/unstable. I will soon start to create them when kaffe
get uploaded in a new version.

> I tend to lean towards "pulling kaffe", if that is an option. Is it? I am
> not sure what the right answer is. In particular, I am an old hat at
> Tomcat, but fairly new as a Kaffe user. So I cannot judge the relative
> stability of the Kaffe version presently in Sarge, vs. the Kaffe version
> that has the bug fix.  Me, I just file them bugs ;-) ...

Thanks for doing this.

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