On Fri, 10 Jul 2009 19:45:41 +0200
Nico Golde <n...@debian.org> wrote:

> > I see roundcube-0.1.1-10~bpo40+2 still in backports. [..]
> That's why I marked this bug as done with the unstable version.

Sorry, maybe I got confused. I reported this bug here because the
backports version was listed in the list of Debian packages. 

If backports doesn't even have bugtracker (couldn't find one on
their homepage) this is maybe the right time to dump if from my

> > I urge you to please make a version bump to backports since this is
> > a security issue.
> The best would be probably to ping the one who did the initial
> backport. I CCed Alexander Wirt and Gerfried Fuchs (from
> backports.org), maybe they can help you.

Thanks. This should really be fixed.


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