Package: lilypond
Version: 2.2.6-3
Severity: normal

Here is a piece of music in Lilypond format which I wrote on
Debian Woody and it worked fine.  When I upgraded to Sarge,
it wouldn't typeset anymore.  I tried using convert-ly to
upgrade it, but the resulting output from convert-ly
wouldn't typeset either, and it gave me quite a lot of
complex error messages and it may take me many hours to
figure out what I have to fix now.  This is not the sort of
thing that should happen when upgrading a reliable system
like Debian stable.  I want my music back!

\version "1.9.8"
        title = "Three Chinese melodies"
        subtitle = "Green High Mountain, Leading Livestock \& A Gust of Wind"
        composer = ""

\include ""
Flute = \notes \context Voice = $Flute {
    \property Staff.instrument = "Flute"
        \property Staff.midiInstrument = "flute"
        \time 4/4
        \key d \minor
        \clef treble
        a'4. g'8 a' c'' d'' f'' |
        g''4 a''2. |
        g''16 a'' g''8 ~ g'' d'' f'' g''16 f'' d''8 c'' |
        c'' d'' ~ d''2. |
        a''8 b''32 a'' b'' a'' g''8 a'' c'''4 \mordent a''32 b'' a''16 g''8 |
        a''1 |
        g''4. d''8 f'' g''32 f'' g'' f'' d''8 c'' |
        d''2. a''8 c''' |
        d'''4 d'''8 c''' a''4 a''8 b''32 a'' b'' a'' |
        a''4 g''8 a'' f''4 d'' |
        g''4. a''8 c'''4 a'' |
        g''8 a'' g'' f'' f'' g''16 f'' d''8 c'' |
        d''1 |
        d''8. f''16 d''8 c'' g'' a''16 g'' f''8 g'' |
        a''1 |
        g''4. d''8 f''4 d''8 c'' |
        d''2. a''8 c''' |
        d'''4. c'''8 a''4 a''8 a'' |
        a''4 g''8 a'' f''4 d'' |
        g''4. a''8 c'''4 a'' |
        g''8 a'' g'' f'' f'' g''16 f'' d''8 c'' |
        d''1 |
        d'''8 d'''16 d''' d'''8 c''' a''4 a'' |
        a''16 a'' a'' a'' g''8 a'' f''4 d'' |
        g''16 g'' g'' g'' g''8 a'' c'''4 a''8 c''' |
        g'' a'' g'' f'' f'' g''16 f'' d''8 c'' |
        d''2. r4 |
        d'''2. c'''8 a'' |
        a''2. f''8 d'' |
        g''2. a''8 c''' |
        g''16. g''32 a''8 g'' f'' r a''32 g''16. ~ g''8 f'' |
        d''1 |
        a'4 g'8 a' c''8. d''16 a'8 g' |
        a'1 |
        g'4. d'8 f' g'16 f' d'8 c' |
        d'2. a'8 c'' |
        d''4 d''8 c'' a'4 a' |
        a' g'8 a' f'4 d' |
        g'4. a'8 c''4 a' |
        g'8 a' g' f' f' g'16 f' d'8 c' |
        d'1 \bar "||"
    \key a \minor g''16 a''8. ~ a''4 g''16 a''8. d'''4 |
        d'''16 b''8. ~ b''8 a'' fis''4 e'' |
        e''2 d''' |
        e'''1 ~ |
        e'''2. a'''4 |
        d'''16 b''8. ~ b''8 cis'''16 b'' a''4 b'' |
        e'''4.. d'''16 b''4 a'' |
        a''2 e''4 \staccato e'' \staccato |
        e''2 \trill e''4 \staccato a'' \staccato |
        e''2 \trill d''4 \staccato e'' \staccato |
        d''2 \trill b'4 \staccato a' \staccato |
        e'2 b'4 \staccato d'' \staccato |
        e''4. a''8 a'2 |
        d'' \trill cis''4 \staccato b' \staccato |
        a'1 ~ |
        a'2 r4 e'' |
        a''2. d'''4 |
        g''2 e''4 d'' |
        e''2. e''4 |
        a''2. d'''4 |
        g''2 e''4 d'' |
        a'1 ~ |
        a'2 g''' |
        a''2. b''4 |
        d''' c'''8 d''' e'''4 a''' |
        e'''1 ~ |
        e'''2 g''' |
        a''2. c'''4 |
        d''' c'''8 d''' e''' d''' e''' g''' |
        a'''1 \bar "||"
        g'''16 a''' g'''8 ~ g''' d''' f''' g'''16 f''' d'''8 c''' |
        c''' d''' ~ d'''2. \bar "||"
        \key g \major
        d'''16 b'' d''' b'' g'' e'' g'' e'' d'' b' d'' b' g' e' g' e' |
        d'8 r d' e' g' b' d'' e'' |
        g'' d''16 e'' g''8 g'16 a' c''8 a'16 c'' d''8 e'' |
        d'' r r4 d'4. \times 4/5 { e'32 g' a' b' c'' } |
\repeat volta 2 {
        d''4 b'8 d'' e''4 g''8 e'' |
        d''4 d'' b'8 d'' d'' b' |
        a' b' d''4 d''8 b' a' g' |
        a'2 d''8 b' d''4 |
        d''8 b' a' g' e'4 g'8 a' |
        b' a'4 b'8 e'4 g'8 a' |
        b' a'4 b'8 g' a' g' e' |
        d'1 |
        d''8 d''16 d'' b'8 d'' e''4 g''8 e'' |
        d'' r d'' r b' d'' d'' b' |
        a' b' d''4 d''8 b' a' g' |
        a'2 d''8 b' d''4 |
        d''8 b' a' g' e'4 g'8 a' |
        b' a'4 b'8 e'4 g'8 a' |
        b' a'4 b'8 g' a' g' e' |
        d'1 |
        g''2. e''16 g'' e''8 |
        d''2. e''4 |
        d''4. e''8 d'' b' a' g' |
        a'1 |
        d''2. b'4 |
        a'2. d''16 e'' d'' b' |
        a'4. b'8 g' a' g' e' |
        d'1 |
        d''4 b'8 d'' e''4 g'' |
        d'' b'8 d'' e''4 g'' |
        r8 d''4 e''8 d''4 b' |
        d''2. e''4 |
        g'' e''8 g'' a''4 c'''8 a'' |
        g''4 g'' e''8 g'' g'' e'' |
        d'' e'' g''4 g''8 e'' d'' c'' |
        d''2 g''8 e'' g''4 |
        g''8 e'' d'' c'' a'4 c''8 d'' |
        e'' d''4 e''8 a'4 c''8 d'' |
        e'' d''4 e''8 c'' d'' c'' a' |
        g'1 } |
        g''8 e'' d'' b' d'' b' g' e' |
        d' r d' e' g' b' d'' e'' |
        g'' d''16 e'' g''8 g'16 a' c''8 d''16 e'' g''8 r |
        g'' r r4 r2 \bar "|."

FluteStaff = \context Staff = FluteStaff <<

\score {
        \paper {
        \midi {
                \tempo 4 = 100

Here is the output from convert-ly on Sarge :

\version "2.2.0"
        title = "Three Chinese melodies"
        subtitle = "Green High Mountain, Leading Livestock \& A Gust of Wind"
        composer = ""

#(set-global-staff-size 26)
Flute = \notes \context \Voice = $Flute {
        \time 4/4
        \key d \minor
        \clef treble
        a'4. g'8 a' c'' d'' f'' |
        g''4 a''2. |
        g''16 a'' g''8 ~ g'' d'' f'' g''16 f'' d''8 c'' |
        c'' d'' ~ d''2. |
        a''8 b''32 a'' b'' a'' g''8 a'' c'''4 \mordent a''32 b'' a''16 g''8 |
        a''1 |
        g''4. d''8 f'' g''32 f'' g'' f'' d''8 c'' |
        d''2. a''8 c''' |
        d'''4 d'''8 c''' a''4 a''8 b''32 a'' b'' a'' |
        a''4 g''8 a'' f''4 d'' |
        g''4. a''8 c'''4 a'' |
        g''8 a'' g'' f'' f'' g''16 f'' d''8 c'' |
        d''1 |
        d''8. f''16 d''8 c'' g'' a''16 g'' f''8 g'' |
        a''1 |
        g''4. d''8 f''4 d''8 c'' |
        d''2. a''8 c''' |
        d'''4. c'''8 a''4 a''8 a'' |
        a''4 g''8 a'' f''4 d'' |
        g''4. a''8 c'''4 a'' |
        g''8 a'' g'' f'' f'' g''16 f'' d''8 c'' |
        d''1 |
        d'''8 d'''16 d''' d'''8 c''' a''4 a'' |
        a''16 a'' a'' a'' g''8 a'' f''4 d'' |
        g''16 g'' g'' g'' g''8 a'' c'''4 a''8 c''' |
        g'' a'' g'' f'' f'' g''16 f'' d''8 c'' |
        d''2. r4 |
        d'''2. c'''8 a'' |
        a''2. f''8 d'' |
        g''2. a''8 c''' |
        g''16. g''32 a''8 g'' f'' r a''32 g''16. ~ g''8 f'' |
        d''1 |
        a'4 g'8 a' c''8. d''16 a'8 g' |
        a'1 |
        g'4. d'8 f' g'16 f' d'8 c' |
        d'2. a'8 c'' |
        d''4 d''8 c'' a'4 a' |
        a' g'8 a' f'4 d' |
        g'4. a'8 c''4 a' |
        g'8 a' g' f' f' g'16 f' d'8 c' |
        d'1 \bar "||"
    \key a \minor g''16 a''8. ~ a''4 g''16 a''8. d'''4 |
        d'''16 b''8. ~ b''8 a'' fis''4 e'' |
        e''2 d''' |
        e'''1 ~ |
        e'''2. a'''4 |
        d'''16 b''8. ~ b''8 cis'''16 b'' a''4 b'' |
        e'''4.. d'''16 b''4 a'' |
        a''2 e''4 \staccato e'' \staccato |
        e''2 \trill e''4 \staccato a'' \staccato |
        e''2 \trill d''4 \staccato e'' \staccato |
        d''2 \trill b'4 \staccato a' \staccato |
        e'2 b'4 \staccato d'' \staccato |
        e''4. a''8 a'2 |
        d'' \trill cis''4 \staccato b' \staccato |
        a'1 ~ |
        a'2 r4 e'' |
        a''2. d'''4 |
        g''2 e''4 d'' |
        e''2. e''4 |
        a''2. d'''4 |
        g''2 e''4 d'' |
        a'1 ~ |
        a'2 g''' |
        a''2. b''4 |
        d''' c'''8 d''' e'''4 a''' |
        e'''1 ~ |
        e'''2 g''' |
        a''2. c'''4 |
        d''' c'''8 d''' e''' d''' e''' g''' |
        a'''1 \bar "||"
        g'''16 a''' g'''8 ~ g''' d''' f''' g'''16 f''' d'''8 c''' |
        c''' d''' ~ d'''2. \bar "||"
        \key g \major
        d'''16 b'' d''' b'' g'' e'' g'' e'' d'' b' d'' b' g' e' g' e' |
        d'8 r d' e' g' b' d'' e'' |
        g'' d''16 e'' g''8 g'16 a' c''8 a'16 c'' d''8 e'' |
        d'' r r4 d'4. \times 4/5 { e'32 g' a' b' c'' } |
\repeat volta 2 {
        d''4 b'8 d'' e''4 g''8 e'' |
        d''4 d'' b'8 d'' d'' b' |
        a' b' d''4 d''8 b' a' g' |
        a'2 d''8 b' d''4 |
        d''8 b' a' g' e'4 g'8 a' |
        b' a'4 b'8 e'4 g'8 a' |
        b' a'4 b'8 g' a' g' e' |
        d'1 |
        d''8 d''16 d'' b'8 d'' e''4 g''8 e'' |
        d'' r d'' r b' d'' d'' b' |
        a' b' d''4 d''8 b' a' g' |
        a'2 d''8 b' d''4 |
        d''8 b' a' g' e'4 g'8 a' |
        b' a'4 b'8 e'4 g'8 a' |
        b' a'4 b'8 g' a' g' e' |
        d'1 |
        g''2. e''16 g'' e''8 |
        d''2. e''4 |
        d''4. e''8 d'' b' a' g' |
        a'1 |
        d''2. b'4 |
        a'2. d''16 e'' d'' b' |
        a'4. b'8 g' a' g' e' |
        d'1 |
        d''4 b'8 d'' e''4 g'' |
        d'' b'8 d'' e''4 g'' |
        r8 d''4 e''8 d''4 b' |
        d''2. e''4 |
        g'' e''8 g'' a''4 c'''8 a'' |
        g''4 g'' e''8 g'' g'' e'' |
        d'' e'' g''4 g''8 e'' d'' c'' |
        d''2 g''8 e'' g''4 |
        g''8 e'' d'' c'' a'4 c''8 d'' |
        e'' d''4 e''8 a'4 c''8 d'' |
        e'' d''4 e''8 c'' d'' c'' a' |
        g'1 } |
        g''8 e'' d'' b' d'' b' g' e' |
        d' r d' e' g' b' d'' e'' |
        g'' d''16 e'' g''8 g'16 a' c''8 d''16 e'' g''8 r |
        g'' r r4 r2 \bar "|."

FluteStaff = \context Staff = FluteStaff <<

\score {
        \paper {
        \midi {
                \tempo 4 = 100

Here is the result of trying to typeset the above on Sarge:

ssb22:/tmp$ lilypond
lilypond (GNU LilyPond) 2.2.6
Running lilypond-bin...
Now processing `'

/tmp/ error: unknown escaped string: `\Voice':
Flute = \notes \context \Voice
                               = $Flute {

/tmp/ error: syntax error, unexpected $undefined, expecting 
Flute = \notes \context \Voice = 
                                 $Flute {

/tmp/ error: unknown escaped string: `\Flute':

/tmp/ error: Have to be in Lyric mode for lyrics:
Interpreting music... 
/tmp/ warning: Junking event: `LyricEvent':
Preprocessing graphical objects... 
Calculating line breaks... [2]

paper output to `combined3.tex'...
writing header field `subtitle' to `combined3.subtitle'...
writing header field `composer' to `combined3.composer'...
writing header field `title' to `combined3.title'...

Interpreting music... 
MIDI output to `combined3.midi'...
Track ... 

/tmp/ warning: Braces don't match:
        g'' r r4 r2 \bar "|.
Failed files: 

lilypond: error: LilyPond failed on input file combined3 (exit status 1)
lilypond: warning: Running LilyPond failed. Rerun with --verbose for a trace.
ssb22:/tmp$ lilypond --verbose
lilypond (GNU LilyPond) 2.2.6
Opening pipe `/usr/bin/lilypond-bin --version '
Opening pipe `kpsexpand \$TEXMF'
Opening pipe `kpsewhich -expand-path=\$T1FONTS'
Invoking `/usr/bin/lilypond-bin  -I /tmp -I /tmp -I /tmp -H dedication -H title 
-H subtitle -H subsubtitle -H footer -H head -H composer -H arranger -H 
instrument -H opus -H piece -H metre -H meter -H poet -H texttranslator -H 
atenddocument -H textheight -H fontencoding -H inputencoding -H language -H 
latexpackages -H papersize -H pagenumber -H atbegindocument -H latexheaders -H 
latexoptions -H linewidth -H unit -H orientation --verbose combined3'
lilypond_datadir: `/usr/share/lilypond'
local_lilypond_datadir: `/usr/share/lilypond/2.2.6'
localedir: `/usr/share/locale'

Now processing `'
/tmp/ error: unknown escaped string: `\Voice':
Flute = \notes \context \Voice
                               = $Flute {

/tmp/ error: syntax error, unexpected $undefined, expecting 
Flute = \notes \context \Voice = 
                                 $Flute {

/tmp/ error: unknown escaped string: `\Flute':

/tmp/ error: Have to be in Lyric mode for lyrics:
Interpreting music... 
/tmp/ warning: Junking event: `LyricEvent':
[1]elapsed time: 0.23 seconds
Element count 21 (spanners 6) Preprocessing graphical objects... Grob count 47
Calculating line breaks... Global shortest duration is 1/8
Optimal demerits: 36.800663
Element count 39.[0]
paper output to `combined3.tex'...
writing header field `subtitle' to `combined3.subtitle'...
writing header field `composer' to `combined3.composer'...
writing header field `title' to `combined3.title'...

Interpreting music... elapsed time: 0.00 seconds
MIDI output to `combined3.midi'...
Track ... [0]
]((gc-time-taken . 131) (cells-allocated . 230515) (cell-heap-size . 464896) 
(bytes-malloced . 1110107) (gc-malloc-threshold . 1240108) (gc-times . 29) 
(gc-mark-time-taken . 75) (gc-sweep-time-taken . 56) (cells-marked . 3197247) 
(cells-swept . 5685136) (cell-heap-segments (136771584 . 136722432) (136798208 
. 136781824) (136914944 . 136849408) (137029632 . 136931328) (1079642112 . 
1079494656) (1079810048 . 1079646208) (1080027136 . 1079814144) (1080358912 . 
1080031232) (1080854528 . 1080363008) (1081673728 . 1080936448) (1081989120 . 
1081677824) (1083090944 . 1081993216)))]
/tmp/ warning: Braces don't match:
        g'' r r4 r2 \bar "|.
Failed files: 
lilypond: warning: `lilypond-bin' failed (status 1) (ignored)

lilypond: error: LilyPond failed on input file combined3 (exit status 1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/lilypond", line 886, in ?
    run_lilypond (files, dep_prefix)
  File "/usr/bin/lilypond", line 299, in run_lilypond
    ly.exit (status)
  File "/usr/share/lilypond/2.2.6/python/", line 130, in exit
    raise _ ('Exiting (%d)...') % i
Exiting (256)...
Cleaning /tmp/tmpjK5Mn4lilypond...

For reference, below is the original input for Lilypond
1.4.12.  The above can be produced from below by using
convert-ly --from=1.4.12.  However the 1.9.8 version worked

        title = "Three Chinese melodies"
        subtitle = "Green High Mountain, Leading Livestock \& A Gust of Wind"
        composer = ""

\include ""
Flute = \notes \context Voice = $Flute {
    \property Staff.instrument = "Flute"
        \property Staff.midiInstrument = "flute"
        \time 4/4
        \key d \minor
        \clef treble
        a'4. g'8 a' c'' d'' f'' |
        g''4 a''2. |
        g''16 a'' g''8 ~ g'' d'' f'' g''16 f'' d''8 c'' |
        c'' d'' ~ d''2. |
        a''8 b''32 a'' b'' a'' g''8 a'' c'''4 -\mordent a''32 b'' a''16 g''8 |
        a''1 |
        g''4. d''8 f'' g''32 f'' g'' f'' d''8 c'' |
        d''2. a''8 c''' |
        d'''4 d'''8 c''' a''4 a''8 b''32 a'' b'' a'' |
        a''4 g''8 a'' f''4 d'' |
        g''4. a''8 c'''4 a'' |
        g''8 a'' g'' f'' f'' g''16 f'' d''8 c'' |
        d''1 |
        d''8. f''16 d''8 c'' g'' a''16 g'' f''8 g'' |
        a''1 |
        g''4. d''8 f''4 d''8 c'' |
        d''2. a''8 c''' |
        d'''4. c'''8 a''4 a''8 a'' |
        a''4 g''8 a'' f''4 d'' |
        g''4. a''8 c'''4 a'' |
        g''8 a'' g'' f'' f'' g''16 f'' d''8 c'' |
        d''1 |
        d'''8 d'''16 d''' d'''8 c''' a''4 a'' |
        a''16 a'' a'' a'' g''8 a'' f''4 d'' |
        g''16 g'' g'' g'' g''8 a'' c'''4 a''8 c''' |
        g'' a'' g'' f'' f'' g''16 f'' d''8 c'' |
        d''2. r4 |
        d'''2. c'''8 a'' |
        a''2. f''8 d'' |
        g''2. a''8 c''' |
        g''16. g''32 a''8 g'' f'' r a''32 g''16. ~ g''8 f'' |
        d''1 |
        a'4 g'8 a' c''8. d''16 a'8 g' |
        a'1 |
        g'4. d'8 f' g'16 f' d'8 c' |
        d'2. a'8 c'' |
        d''4 d''8 c'' a'4 a' |
        a' g'8 a' f'4 d' |
        g'4. a'8 c''4 a' |
        g'8 a' g' f' f' g'16 f' d'8 c' |
        d'1 \bar "||"
    \key a \minor g''16 a''8. ~ a''4 g''16 a''8. d'''4 |
        d'''16 b''8. ~ b''8 a'' fis''4 e'' |
        e''2 d''' |
        e'''1 ~ |
        e'''2. a'''4 |
        d'''16 b''8. ~ b''8 cis'''16 b'' a''4 b'' |
        e'''4.. d'''16 b''4 a'' |
        a''2 e''4 -\staccato e'' -\staccato |
        e''2 -\trill e''4 -\staccato a'' -\staccato |
        e''2 -\trill d''4 -\staccato e'' -\staccato |
        d''2 -\trill b'4 -\staccato a' -\staccato |
        e'2 b'4 -\staccato d'' -\staccato |
        e''4. a''8 a'2 |
        d'' -\trill cis''4 -\staccato b' -\staccato |
        a'1 ~ |
        a'2 r4 e'' |
        a''2. d'''4 |
        g''2 e''4 d'' |
        e''2. e''4 |
        a''2. d'''4 |
        g''2 e''4 d'' |
        a'1 ~ |
        a'2 g''' |
        a''2. b''4 |
        d''' c'''8 d''' e'''4 a''' |
        e'''1 ~ |
        e'''2 g''' |
        a''2. c'''4 |
        d''' c'''8 d''' e''' d''' e''' g''' |
        a'''1 \bar "||"
        g'''16 a''' g'''8 ~ g''' d''' f''' g'''16 f''' d'''8 c''' |
        c''' d''' ~ d'''2. \bar "||"
        \key g \major
        d'''16 b'' d''' b'' g'' e'' g'' e'' d'' b' d'' b' g' e' g' e' |
        d'8 r d' e' g' b' d'' e'' |
        g'' d''16 e'' g''8 g'16 a' c''8 a'16 c'' d''8 e'' |
        d'' r r4 d'4. \times 4/5 { e'32 g' a' b' c'' } |
\repeat volta 2 {
        d''4 b'8 d'' e''4 g''8 e'' |
        d''4 d'' b'8 d'' d'' b' |
        a' b' d''4 d''8 b' a' g' |
        a'2 d''8 b' d''4 |
        d''8 b' a' g' e'4 g'8 a' |
        b' a'4 b'8 e'4 g'8 a' |
        b' a'4 b'8 g' a' g' e' |
        d'1 |
        d''8 d''16 d'' b'8 d'' e''4 g''8 e'' |
        d'' r d'' r b' d'' d'' b' |
        a' b' d''4 d''8 b' a' g' |
        a'2 d''8 b' d''4 |
        d''8 b' a' g' e'4 g'8 a' |
        b' a'4 b'8 e'4 g'8 a' |
        b' a'4 b'8 g' a' g' e' |
        d'1 |
        g''2. e''16 g'' e''8 |
        d''2. e''4 |
        d''4. e''8 d'' b' a' g' |
        a'1 |
        d''2. b'4 |
        a'2. d''16 e'' d'' b' |
        a'4. b'8 g' a' g' e' |
        d'1 |
        d''4 b'8 d'' e''4 g'' |
        d'' b'8 d'' e''4 g'' |
        r8 d''4 e''8 d''4 b' |
        d''2. e''4 |
        g'' e''8 g'' a''4 c'''8 a'' |
        g''4 g'' e''8 g'' g'' e'' |
        d'' e'' g''4 g''8 e'' d'' c'' |
        d''2 g''8 e'' g''4 |
        g''8 e'' d'' c'' a'4 c''8 d'' |
        e'' d''4 e''8 a'4 c''8 d'' |
        e'' d''4 e''8 c'' d'' c'' a' |
        g'1 } |
        g''8 e'' d'' b' d'' b' g' e' |
        d' r d' e' g' b' d'' e'' |
        g'' d''16 e'' g''8 g'16 a' c''8 d''16 e'' g''8 r |
        g'' r r4 r2 \bar "|."

FluteStaff = \context Staff = FluteStaff <

\score {
        \paper {
        \midi {
                \tempo 4 = 100

-- System Information:
Debian Release: 3.1
Architecture: i386 (i686)
Kernel: Linux 2.4.23
Locale: LANG=en_GB, LC_CTYPE=en_GB (charmap=ISO-8859-1) (ignored: LC_ALL set to 

Versions of packages lilypond depends on:
ii  guile-1.6 [guile]           1.6.7-1      The GNU extension language and Sch
ii  guile-1.6-libs              1.6.7-1      Main Guile libraries
ii  guile1.4 [guile]            1:1.4-26     The GNU extension language and Sch
ii  libc6                       2.3.2.ds1-22 GNU C Library: Shared libraries an
ii  libgcc1                     1:3.4.3-13   GCC support library
ii  libguile-ltdl-1             1.6.7-1      Guile's patched version of libtool
ii  libkpathsea3                2.0.2-30     path search library for teTeX (run
ii  libqthreads-12              1.6.7-1      QuickThreads library for Guile
ii  libstdc++5                  1:3.3.5-13   The GNU Standard C++ Library v3
ii  lilypond-data               2.2.6-3      LilyPond music typesetter (data fi
ii  python                      2.3.5-2      An interactive high-level object-o
ii  tetex-bin                   2.0.2-30     The teTeX binary files
ii  tetex-extra                 2.0.2c-8     Additional library files of teTeX

-- no debconf information

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