Hi Thomas,

Just a follow-up. I purged GnuCash and all dependencies I could track
down that didn't cause other applications I have installed to be
removed, then reinstalled them, but to no avail. GnuCash still crashes
with a segmentation fault in guile-1.6.

I don't know if this will be worth anything, but here's the list of
applications I was able to purge and then reinstall (not just "apt-get

    bonobo gconf gnucash gnucash-common guile-1.6 guile-1.6-libs
    guile-1.6-slib libbonobo2 libdate-manip-perl libefs1
    libfinance-quote-perl libgal-data libgal23 libgconf11
    libgdk-pixbuf-gnome2 libgdk-pixbuf2 libghttp1 libgnomeprint-bin
    libgnomeprint-data libgnomeprint15 libgtkhtml1.1-3 libguile-ltdl-1
    libguppi16 libgwrapguile1 libhtml-tableextract-perl libltdl3 liboaf0
    libofx1 libosp4 libqthreads-12 libzvt2 oaf slib

Before running GnuCash, I also removed all files and directories from my
home directory matching the case-insensitive patterns '*gnucash*',
'.*gnucash*', '*gtk*' and '.*gtk*':


Again, is there anything else I can do to help you track down this
problem? This is a fresh install of Sarge, not an upgrade from Woody or
some previous snapshot of Sid.

Just in case it will help, here's a full list of packages installed
(suited for COLUMNS=143 since COLUMNS=80 truncates some package names).

    | Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
    |/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: 
    ||/ Name                          Version                       Description
    ii  adduser                       3.63                          Add and 
remove users and groups
    ii  alsa-base                     1.0.8-7                       ALSA driver 
configuration files
    ii  alsa-utils                    1.0.8-4                       ALSA 
    ii  anacron                       2.3-11                        a cron-like 
program that doesn't go by time
    ii  apt                                       Advanced 
front-end for dpkg
    ii  apt-listchanges               2.59-0.2                      Display 
change history from .deb archives
    ii  apt-mirror                    0.4.3-2                       APT sources 
mirroring tool
    ii  apt-utils                                 APT utility 
    ii  at                            3.1.8-11                      Delayed job 
execution and batch processing
    ii  base-files                    3.1.2                         Debian base 
system miscellaneous files
    ii  base-passwd                   3.5.9                         Debian base 
system master password and group files
    ii  bash                          2.05b-26                      The GNU 
Bourne Again SHell
    ii  bc                            1.06-15                       The GNU bc 
arbitrary precision calculator language
    ii  binutils                      2.15-6                        The GNU 
assembler, linker and binary utilities
    ii  bison                         1.875d-1                      A parser 
generator that is compatible with YACC
    ii  bsdmainutils                  6.0.17                        collection 
of more utilities from FreeBSD
    ii  bsdutils                      2.12p-4                       Basic 
utilities from 4.4BSD-Lite
    ii  build-essential               10.1                          
informational list of build-essential packages
    ii  bzip2                         1.0.2-7                       
high-quality block-sorting file compressor - utilities
    ii  cabextract                    1.1-1                         a program 
to extract Microsoft Cabinet files
    ii  capplets                      2.8.2-3                       
configuration applets for GNOME 2 - binaries files
    ii  capplets-data                 2.8.2-3                       
configuration applets for GNOME 2 - data files
    ii  cdrecord                      2.01+01a01-2                  command 
line CD writing tool
    ii  chrony                        1.20-8                        Sets your 
computer's clock from time servers on the Net
    ii  console-common                0.7.49                        Basic 
infrastructure for text console configuration
    ii  console-data                  2002.12.04dbs-49              Keymaps, 
fonts, charset maps, fallback tables for console-tools
    ii  console-tools                 0.2.3dbs-56                   Linux 
console and font utilities
    ii  coreutils                     5.2.1-2                       The GNU 
core utilities
    ii  cpio                          2.5-1.2                       GNU cpio -- 
a program to manage archives of files.
    ii  cpp                           3.3.5-3                       The GNU C 
preprocessor (cpp)
    ii  cpp-3.3                       3.3.5-13                      The GNU C 
    ii  cron                          3.0pl1-86                     management 
of regular background processing
    ii  cupsys                        1.1.23-10                     Common UNIX 
Printing System(tm) - server
    ii  cupsys-bsd                    1.1.23-10                     Common UNIX 
Printing System(tm) - BSD commands
    ii  cupsys-client                 1.1.23-10                     Common UNIX 
Printing System(tm) - client programs (SysV)
    ii  cupsys-driver-gimpprint       4.2.7-10                      Gimp-Print 
printer drivers for CUPS
    ii  cupsys-driver-gimpprint-data  4.2.7-10                      Gimp-Print 
printer drivers for CUPS
    ii  daemontools                   0.76-9                        A 
collection of tools for managing UNIX services.
    ii  debconf                                  Debian 
configuration management system
    ii  debconf-i18n                             full 
internationalization support for debconf
    ii  debconf-utils                            debconf 
    ii  debhelper                     4.2.32                        helper 
programs for debian/rules
    ii  debianutils                   2.8.4                         
Miscellaneous utilities specific to Debian
    ii  deborphan                     1.7.15                        Find 
orphaned libraries
    ii  defoma                        0.11.8-0.1                    Debian Font 
Manager -- automatic font configuration framework
    ii  desktop-base                  0.3.15                        common 
files for the Debian Desktop
    ii  desktop-file-utils            0.10-1                        Utilities 
for .desktop files
    ii  dhcp-client                   2.0pl5-19.1                   DHCP Client
    ii  dia                           0.94.0-7                      Diagram 
    ii  dia-common                    0.94.0-7                      Diagram 
editor (common files)
    ii  dia-libs                      0.94.0-7                      Diagram 
editor (library files)
    ii  dialog                        1.0-20050306-1                Displays 
user-friendly dialog boxes from shell scripts
    ii  dictionaries-common           0.25.12                       Common 
utilities for spelling dictionary tools
    ii  diff                          2.8.1-11                      File 
comparison utilities
    ii  djbdns                        1.05-11                       Replacement 
for BIND, written by Dan Bernstein.
    ii  docbook-xml                   4.3-1.1                       standard 
XML documentation system, for software and systems
    ii  dpkg                          1.10.28                       Package 
maintenance system for Debian
    ii  dpkg-dev                      1.10.28                       Package 
building tools for Debian
    ii  dselect                       1.10.28                       a user tool 
to manage Debian packages
    ii  e2fslibs                      1.37-2sarge1                  ext2 
filesystem libraries
    ii  e2fsprogs                     1.37-2sarge1                  ext2 file 
system utilities and libraries
    ii  easytag                       1.99.3-1                      viewing, 
editing and writing ID3 tags
    ii  ed                            0.2-20                        The classic 
unix line editor
    ii  eject                         2.0.13deb-8sarge2             ejects CDs 
and operates CD-Changers under Linux
    ii  esound                        0.2.35-2                      Enlightened 
Sound Daemon - Support binaries
    ii  esound-clients                0.2.35-2                      Enlightened 
Sound Daemon - clients
    ii  esound-common                 0.2.35-2                      Enlightened 
Sound Daemon - Common files
    ii  fakeroot                      1.2.10                        Gives a 
fake root environment
    ii  fdutils                       5.4-20040228-1                Linux 
floppy utilities
    ii  fetchmail                     6.2.5-12                      SSL enabled 
POP3, APOP, IMAP mail gatherer/forwarder
    ii  file                          4.12-1                        Determines 
file type using "magic" numbers
    ii  findutils                     4.1.20-6                      utilities 
for finding files--find, xargs, and locate
    ii  flac                          1.1.1-5                       Free 
Lossless Audio Codec - command line tools
    ii  flashplugin-nonfree           7.0.25-5                      Macromedia 
Flash Player plugin installer
    ii  flex                          2.5.31-31                     A fast 
lexical analyzer generator.
    ii  fontconfig                    2.3.1-2                       generic 
font configuration library
    ii  fortune-mod                   1.99.1-2                      provides 
fortune cookies on demand
    ii  fortunes-min                  1.99.1-2                      Data files 
containing fortune cookies
    ii  freemind                      0.7.1-6                       A Java 
Program for creating and viewing Mindmaps
    ii  g++                           3.3.5-3                       The GNU C++ 
    ii  g++-3.3                       3.3.5-13                      The GNU C++ 
    ii  gaim                          1.2.1-1.3                     
multi-protocol instant messaging client
    ii  gaim-data                     1.2.1-1.3                     
multi-protocol instant messaging client - data files
    ii  gcc                           3.3.5-3                       The GNU C 
    ii  gcc-3.3                       3.3.5-13                      The GNU C 
    ii  gcc-3.3-base                  3.3.5-13                      The GNU 
Compiler Collection (base package)
    ii  gconf2                        2.8.1-6                       GNOME 
configuration database system. (daemon and tools, for GNOME2)
    ii  gdb                           6.3-6                         The GNU 
    ii  gdk-imlib1                    1.9.14-16.2                   imaging 
library for use with gtk (using libpng2)
    ii  gdm                                      GNOME 
Display Manager
    ii  gettext                       0.14.4-2                      GNU 
Internationalization utilities
    ii  gettext-base                  0.14.4-2                      GNU 
Internationalization utilities for the base system
    ii  gksu                          1.2.5-3                       graphical 
frontend to su
    ii  gnome-about                   2.8.3-2                       The GNOME 
about box
    ii  gnome-applets                 2.8.2-3                       Various 
applets for GNOME 2 panel - binaries files
    ii  gnome-applets-data            2.8.2-3                       Various 
applets for GNOME 2 panel - data files
    ii  gnome-bin                     1.4.2-19                      
Miscellaneous binaries used by GNOME
    ii  gnome-control-center          2.8.2-3                       The GNOME 
Control Center for GNOME 2
    ii  gnome-cups-manager            0.25-2.1                      CUPS 
printer admin tool for GNOME
    ii  gnome-desktop-data            2.8.3-2                       Common 
files for GNOME 2 desktop apps
    ii  gnome-icon-theme              2.8.0-4                       GNOME 
Desktop icon theme
    ii  gnome-keyring                 0.4.2-1                       GNOME 
keyring services (daemon and tools)
    ii  gnome-libs-data               1.4.2-19                      Data for 
GNOME libraries
    ii  gnome-mime-data               2.4.2-1                       base MIME 
and Application database for GNOME.
    ii  gnome-panel                   2.8.3-1                       launcher 
and docking facility for GNOME 2
    ii  gnome-panel-data              2.8.3-1                       common 
files for GNOME 2 panel
    ii  gnome-session                 2.8.1-6                       The GNOME 2 
Session Manager
    ii  gnome-system-monitor          2.8.1-2                       Process 
viewer and system resource monitor for GNOME 2
    ii  gnome-utils                   2.8.1-1                       GNOME 
desktop utilities
    ii  gnupg                         1.4.1-1                       GNU privacy 
guard - a free PGP replacement
    ii  grep                          2.5.1.ds1-4                   GNU grep, 
egrep and fgrep
    ii  groff-base                              GNU troff 
text-formatting system (base system components)
    ii  gs-common                     0.3.7                         Common 
files for different Ghostscript releases
    ii  gs-esp                        7.07.1-9                      The 
Ghostscript PostScript interpreter - ESP version
    ii  gsfonts                       8.14+v8.11+urw-0.2            Fonts for 
the Ghostscript interpreter(s)
    ii  gsfonts-x11                   0.17                          Make 
Ghostscript fonts available to X11
    ii  gstreamer0.8-oss              0.8.8-2                       OSS plugin 
for GStreamer
    ii  gzip                          1.3.5-10                      The GNU 
compression utility
    ii  hddtemp                       0.3-beta13-9                  Utility to 
monitor the temperature of your hard drive
    ii  hdparm                        6.1-2                         tune hard 
disk parameters for high performance
    ii  hicolor-icon-theme            0.8-1                         default 
fallback theme for FreeDesktop.org icon themes
    ii  hostname                      2.13                          A utility 
to set/show the host name or domain name
    ii  hotplug                       0.0.20040329-22               Linux 
Hotplug Scripts
    ii  html2text                     1.3.2a-2                      An advanced 
HTML to text converter
    ii  iamerican                               An American 
English dictionary for ispell
    ii  ibritish                                A British 
English dictionary for ispell
    ii  ifupdown                      0.6.7                         high level 
tools to configure network interfaces
    ii  imagemagick                            Image 
manipulation programs
    ii  imlib-base                    1.9.14-16.2                   Common 
files needed by the Imlib/Gdk-Imlib packages
    ii  info                          4.7-2.2                       Standalone 
GNU Info documentation browser
    ii  initscripts                   2.86.ds1-1                    Standard 
scripts needed for booting and shutting down
    ii  intltool-debian               0.30+20040213                 Help i18n 
of RFC822 compliant config files
    ii  iptables                      1.2.11-10                     Linux 
kernel 2.4+ iptables administration tools
    ii  iptraf                        2.7.0-7                       Interactive 
Colorful IP LAN Monitor
    ii  iputils-ping                  20020927-2                    Tools to 
test the reachability of network hosts
    ii  ispell                                  
International Ispell (an interactive spelling corrector)
    ii  java-package                  0.24                          utility for 
building Java(TM) 2 related Debian packages
    ii  kernel-image-         20050706.musang               Linux 
kernel binary image for version
    ii  kernel-package                8.135                         A utility 
for building Linux kernel related Debian packages.
    ii  klogd                         1.4.1-17                      Kernel 
Logging Daemon
    ii  latex-xft-fonts               0.1-5                         
Xft-compatible versions of some LaTeX fonts
    ii  less                          382-1                         Pager 
program similar to more
    ii  lesstif2                      0.93.94-11.4                  OSF/Motif 
2.1 implementation released under LGPL
    ii  libacl1                       2.2.23-1                      Access 
control list shared library
    ii  libao2                        0.8.6-1                       Cross 
Platform Audio Output Library
    ii  libapm1                       3.2.2-3                       Library for 
interacting with APM driver in kernel
    ii  libart-2.0-2                  2.3.17-1                      Library of 
functions for 2D graphics - runtime files
    ii  libart2                       1.4.2-19                      The GNOME 
canvas widget - runtime files
    ii  libasound2                    1.0.8-3                       ALSA library
    ii  libaspell15                   0.60.2+20050121-2             The GNU 
Aspell spell-checker runtime toolkits
    ii  libatk1.0-0                   1.8.0-4                       The ATK 
accessibility toolkit
    ii  libattr1                      2.4.16-1                      Extended 
attribute shared library
    ii  libaudio2                     1.7-2                         The Network 
Audio System (NAS). (shared libraries)
    ii  libaudiofile0                 0.2.6-6                       Open-source 
version of SGI's audiofile library
    ii  libblkid1                     1.37-2sarge1                  block 
device id library
    ii  libbonobo2-0                  2.8.1-2                       Bonobo 
CORBA interfaces library
    ii  libbonobo2-common             2.8.1-2                       Bonobo 
CORBA interfaces library -- support files
    ii  libbonoboui2-0                2.8.1-2                       The Bonobo 
UI library
    ii  libbonoboui2-common           2.8.1-2                       The Bonobo 
UI library -- common files
    ii  libbz2-1.0                    1.0.2-7                       
high-quality block-sorting file compressor library - runtime
    ii  libc6                         2.3.2.ds1-22                  GNU C 
Library: Shared libraries and Timezone data
    ii  libc6-dev                     2.3.2.ds1-22                  GNU C 
Library: Development Libraries and Header Files
    ii  libcap1                       1.10-14                       support for 
getting/setting POSIX.1e capabilities
    ii  libcomerr2                    1.37-2sarge1                  common 
error description library
    ii  libconsole                    0.2.3dbs-56                   Shared 
libraries for Linux console and font manipulation
    ii  libcroco3                     0.6.0-2                       a generic 
Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) parsing and manipulation toolkit
    ii  libcrypt-passwdmd5-perl       1.3-4                         
interoperable MD5-based crypt() for perl
    ii  libcupsimage2                 1.1.23-10                     Common UNIX 
Printing System(tm) - image libs
    ii  libcupsys2-gnutls10           1.1.23-10                     Common UNIX 
Printing System(tm) - libs
    ii  libcurl3                      7.13.2-2                      
Multi-protocol file transfer library, now with SSL support!
    ii  libdb1-compat                 2.1.3-7                       The 
Berkeley database routines [glibc 2.0/2.1 compatibility]
    ii  libdb3                        3.2.9-22                      Berkeley v3 
Database Libraries [runtime]
    ii  libdb4.1                      4.1.25-18                     Berkeley 
v4.1 Database Libraries [runtime]
    ii  libdb4.2                      4.2.52-18                     Berkeley 
v4.2 Database Libraries [runtime]
    ii  libdb4.2++                    4.2.52-18                     Berkeley 
v4.2 Database Libraries for C++ [runtime]
    ii  libdb4.3                      4.3.27-2                      Berkeley 
v4.3 Database Libraries [runtime]
    ii  libdevmapper1.01              1.01.00-4                     The Linux 
Kernel Device Mapper userspace library
    ii  libdps1                       4.3.0.dfsg.1-14               Display 
PostScript (DPS) client library
    ii  libecal6                      1.0.4-1                       Client 
library for evolution calendars
    ii  libedataserver3               1.0.4-1                       Utily 
library for evolution data servers
    ii  libeel2-2                     2.8.2-1                       Eazel 
Extensions Library (for GNOME2)
    ii  libeel2-data                  2.8.2-1                       Eazel 
Extensions Library - data files (for GNOME2)
    ii  libelfg0                      0.8.5-1                       an ELF 
object file access library
    ii  libesd-alsa0                  0.2.35-2                      Enlightened 
Sound Daemon (ALSA) - Shared libraries
    ii  libexpat1                     1.95.8-3                      XML parsing 
C library - runtime library
    ii  libfam0c102                   2.7.0-6                       client 
library to control the FAM daemon
    ii  libflac6                      1.1.1-5                       Free 
Lossless Audio Codec - runtime C library
    ii  libfontconfig1                2.3.1-2                       generic 
font configuration library (shared library)
    ii  libfreetype6                  2.1.7-2.4                     FreeType 2 
font engine, shared library files
    ii  libgail-common                1.8.4-1                       GNOME 
Accessibility Implementation Library -- common modules
    ii  libgail17                     1.8.4-1                       GNOME 
Accessibility Implementation Library -- the shared libraries
    ii  libgcc1                       3.4.3-13                      GCC support 
    ii  libgconf2-4                   2.8.1-6                       GNOME 
configuration database system libraries (for GNOME2)
    ii  libgcrypt11                   1.2.0-11.1                    LGPL Crypto 
library - runtime library
    ii  libgdbm3                      1.8.3-2                       GNU dbm 
database routines (runtime version)
    ii  libgimpprint1                 4.2.7-10                      The 
Gimp-Print printer driver library
    ii  libgksu1.2-0                  1.2.6-2                       library 
providing su and sudo functionality
    ii  libgksuui1.0-0                1.0.4-3                       a graphical 
fronted to su library
    ii  libglade-gnome0               0.17-3                        Library to 
load .glade files at runtime (Gnome widgets support)
    ii  libglade0                     0.17-3                        Library to 
load .glade files at runtime
    ii  libglade2-0                   2.4.2-2                       library to 
load .glade files at runtime
    ii  libglib1.2                    1.2.10-9                      The GLib 
library of C routines
    ii  libglib2.0-0                  2.6.4-1                       The GLib 
library of C routines
    ii  libgnome-desktop-2            2.8.3-2                       Utility 
library for loading .desktop files - runtime files
    ii  libgnome-keyring0             0.4.2-1                       GNOME 
keyring services library
    ii  libgnome2-0                   2.8.1-2                       The GNOME 2 
library - runtime files
    ii  libgnome2-common              2.8.1-2                       The GNOME 2 
library - common files
    ii  libgnome32                    1.4.2-19                      The GNOME 
    ii  libgnomecanvas2-0             2.8.0-1                       A powerful 
object-oriented display - runtime files
    ii  libgnomecanvas2-common        2.8.0-1                       A powerful 
object-oriented display - common files
    ii  libgnomecups1.0-1             0.1.14-1                      GNOME 
library for CUPS interaction
    ii  libgnomecupsui1.0-1           0.25-2.1                      UI 
extensions to libgnomecups
    ii  libgnomesupport0              1.4.2-19                      The GNOME 
libraries (Support libraries)
    ii  libgnomeui-0                  2.8.1-3                       The GNOME 2 
libraries (User Interface) - runtime files
    ii  libgnomeui-common             2.8.1-3                       The GNOME 2 
libraries (User Interface) - common files
    ii  libgnomeui32                  1.4.2-19                      The GNOME 
libraries (User Interface)
    ii  libgnomevfs2-0                2.8.4-4                       The GNOME 
virtual file-system library (runtime files)
    ii  libgnomevfs2-common           2.8.4-4                       The GNOME 
virtual file-system library (common files)
    ii  libgnorba27                   1.4.2-19                      GNOME CORBA 
    ii  libgnorbagtk0                 1.4.2-19                      GNOME CORBA 
services (Gtk bindings)
    ii  libgnutls11                   1.0.16-13.1                   GNU TLS 
library - runtime library
    ii  libgpg-error0                 1.0-1                         library for 
common error values and messages in GnuPG components
    ii  libgpmg1                      1.19.6-19sarge1               General 
Purpose Mouse - shared library
    ii  libgsf-1                      1.11.1-1                      Structured 
File Library - runtime version
    ii  libgstreamer-plugins0.8-0     0.8.8-2                       Various 
GStreamer libraries and library plugins
    ii  libgstreamer0.8-0             0.8.9-2                       Core 
GStreamer libraries, plugins, and utilities
    ii  libgtk1.2                     1.2.10-17                     The GIMP 
Toolkit set of widgets for X
    ii  libgtk1.2-common              1.2.10-17                     Common 
files for the GTK+ library
    ii  libgtk2.0-0                   2.6.4-3                       The GTK+ 
graphical user interface library
    ii  libgtk2.0-bin                 2.6.4-3                       The 
programs for the GTK+ graphical user interface library
    ii  libgtk2.0-common              2.6.4-3                       Common 
files for the GTK+ graphical user interface library
    ii  libgtkspell0                  2.0.10-1                      a 
spell-checking addon for GTK's TextView widget
    ii  libgtop2-2                    2.6.0-4                       Libraries 
for gtop system monitoring library (part of Gnome 2)
    ii  libhtml-parser-perl           3.45-2                        A 
collection of modules that parse HTML text documents
    ii  libhtml-tagset-perl           3.04-1                        Data tables 
pertaining to HTML
    ii  libhtml-tree-perl             3.18-1                        represent 
and create HTML syntax trees
    ii  libice6                       4.3.0.dfsg.1-14               
Inter-Client Exchange library
    ii  libid3-3.8.3                  3.8.3-4.1                     Library for 
manipulating ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags.
    ii  libidl0                       0.8.5-1                       library for 
parsing CORBA IDL files
    ii  libidn11                      0.5.13-1.0                    GNU libidn 
library, implementation of IETF IDN specifications
    ii  libjasper-1.701-1             1.701.0-2                     The JasPer 
JPEG-2000 runtime library
    ii  libjpeg62                     6b-10                         The 
Independent JPEG Group's JPEG runtime library
    ii  libkrb53                      1.3.6-2                       MIT 
Kerberos runtime libraries
    ii  liblcms1                      1.13-1                        Color 
management library
    ii  libldap2                      2.1.30-8                      OpenLDAP 
    ii  liblocale-gettext-perl        1.01-17                       Using libc 
functions for internationalization in Perl
    ii  liblockfile1                  1.06                          NFS-safe 
locking library, includes dotlockfile program
    ii  liblzo1                       1.08-1.2                      A real-time 
data compression library
    ii  libmagic1                     4.12-1                        File type 
determination library using "magic" numbers
    ii  libmagick6                             Image 
manipulation library
    ii  libmetacity0                  2.8.8-1                       Common 
library of lightweight GTK2 based Window Manager
    ii  libmng1                       1.0.8-1                       
Multiple-image Network Graphics library
    ii  libmodplug0                   0.7-4                         shared 
libraries for mod music based on ModPlug
    ii  libmyspell3                   3.1-11                        MySpell 
spellchecking library
    ii  libnautilus2-2                2.8.2-2                       libraries 
for nautilus components - runtime version
    ii  libncurses5                   5.4-4                         Shared 
libraries for terminal handling
    ii  libncurses5-dev               5.4-4                         Developer's 
libraries and docs for ncurses
    ii  libncursesw5                  5.4-4                         Shared 
libraries for terminal handling (wide character support)
    ii  libneon23                     0.23.9.dfsg.3-2               An HTTP and 
WebDAV client library [old version]
    ii  libnetpbm10                   10.0-8                        Shared 
libraries for netpbm
    ii  libnewt0.51                   0.51.6-20                     Not Erik's 
Windowing Toolkit - text mode windowing with slang
    ii  libnspr4                      1.7.8-1                       Netscape 
Portable Runtime Library
    ii  libnss3                       1.7.8-1                       Network 
Security Service Libraries - runtime
    ii  libogg0                       1.1.2-1                       Ogg 
Bitstream Library
    ii  liboggflac1                   1.1.1-5                       Free 
Lossless Audio Codec - runtime C library (ogg)
    ii  libopencdk8                   0.5.5-10                      Open Crypto 
Development Kit (OpenCDK) (runtime)
    ii  liborbit0                     0.5.17-11.1                   Libraries 
for ORBit - a CORBA ORB
    ii  liborbit2                     2.12.2-1                      libraries 
for ORBit2 - a CORBA ORB
    ii  libpam-modules                0.76-22                       Pluggable 
Authentication Modules for PAM
    ii  libpam-runtime                0.76-22                       Runtime 
support for the PAM library
    ii  libpam0g                      0.76-22                       Pluggable 
Authentication Modules library
    ii  libpanel-applet2-0            2.8.3-1                       library for 
GNOME 2 panel applets
    ii  libpango1.0-0                 1.8.1-1                       Layout and 
rendering of internationalized text
    ii  libpango1.0-common            1.8.1-1                       Modules and 
configuration files for the Pango
    ii  libpaper-utils                1.1.14-3                      Library for 
handling paper characteristics (utilities)
    ii  libpaper1                     1.1.14-3                      Library for 
handling paper characteristics
    ii  libperl5.8                    5.8.4-8                       Shared Perl 
    ii  libpng10-0                    1.0.18-1                      PNG 
library, older version - runtime
    ii  libpng12-0                    1.2.8rel-1                    PNG library 
- runtime
    ii  libpopt0                      1.7-5                         lib for 
parsing cmdline parameters
    ii  libqt3c102-mt                 3.3.4-3                       Qt GUI 
Library (Threaded runtime version), Version 3
    ii  libreadline4                  4.3-11                        GNU 
readline and history libraries, run-time libraries
    ii  libreadline5                  5.0-10                        GNU 
readline and history libraries, run-time libraries
    ii  librecode0                    3.6-10                        Shared 
library on which recode is based
    ii  librsvg2-2                    2.8.1-3                       SAX-based 
renderer library for SVG files. (for GNOME2)
    ii  librsvg2-common               2.8.1-3                       SAX-based 
renderer library for SVG files. (for GNOME2)
    ii  libruby                       1.8.2-1                       Libraries 
necessary to run Ruby 1.8.x
    ii  libruby1.8                    1.8.2-7                       Libraries 
necessary to run Ruby 1.8
    ii  libsasl2                      2.1.19-1.5                    
Authentication abstraction library
    ii  libsasl2-modules              2.1.19-1.5                    Pluggable 
Authentication Modules for SASL
    ii  libscrollkeeper0              0.3.14-10                     Library to 
load .omf files (runtime files)
    ii  libselinux1                   1.22-1                        SELinux 
shared libraries
    ii  libslp1                       1.0.11a-2                     OpenSLP 
    ii  libsm6                        4.3.0.dfsg.1-14               X Window 
System Session Management library
    ii  libsmbclient                  3.0.14a-3                     shared 
library that allows applications to talk to SMB servers
    ii  libspeex1                     1.1.6-2                       The Speex 
Speech Codec
    ii  libss2                        1.37-2sarge1                  
command-line interface parsing library
    ii  libssl0.9.7                   0.9.7e-3                      SSL shared 
    ii  libstartup-notification0      0.8-1                         library for 
program launch feedback (shared library)
    ii  libstdc++5                    3.3.5-13                      The GNU 
Standard C++ Library v3
    ii  libstdc++5-3.3-dev            3.3.5-13                      The GNU 
Standard C++ Library v3 (development files)
    ii  libstlport4.6                 4.6.2-2                       STLport C++ 
class library
    ii  libt1-5                       5.0.2-3                       Type 1 font 
rasterizer library - runtime
    ii  libtasn1-2                    0.2.10-3                      Manage 
ASN.1 structures (runtime)
    ii  libtext-charwidth-perl        0.04-1                        get display 
widths of characters on the terminal
    ii  libtext-iconv-perl            1.2-3                         Convert 
between character sets in Perl
    ii  libtext-wrapi18n-perl         0.06-1                        
internationalized substitute of Text::Wrap
    ii  libtextwrap1                  0.1-1                         
text-wrapping library with i18n - runtime
    ii  libtheora0                    0.0.0.alpha4-1.1              The Theora 
Video Compression Codec
    ii  libtiff4                      3.7.2-3                       Tag Image 
File Format (TIFF) library
    ii  libungif4g                    4.1.3-2                       shared 
library for GIF images (runtime lib)
    ii  liburi-perl                   1.35-1                        Manipulates 
and accesses URI strings
    ii  libusb-0.1-4                  0.1.10a-9.sarge.1             userspace 
USB programming library
    ii  libuuid1                      1.37-2sarge1                  universally 
unique id library
    ii  libvorbis0a                   1.1.0-1                       The Vorbis 
General Audio Compression Codec
    ii  libvorbisfile3                1.1.0-1                       The Vorbis 
General Audio Compression Codec
    ii  libwnck-common                2.8.1-3                       Window 
Navigator Construction Kit - common files
    ii  libwnck4                      2.8.1-3                       Window 
Navigator Construction Kit - runtime files
    ii  libwrap0                      7.6.dbs-8                     Wietse 
Venema's TCP wrappers library
    ii  libwww-perl                   5.803-4                       WWW 
client/server library for Perl (aka LWP)
    ii  libx11-6                      4.3.0.dfsg.1-14               X Window 
System protocol client library
    ii  libxaw7                       4.3.0.dfsg.1-14               X Athena 
widget set library
    ii  libxcursor1                   1.1.3-1                       X cursor 
management library
    ii  libxext6                      4.3.0.dfsg.1-14               X Window 
System miscellaneous extension library
    ii  libxft1                       4.3.0.dfsg.1-14               
FreeType-based font drawing library for X (version 1)
    ii  libxft2                       2.1.7-1                       
FreeType-based font drawing library for X
    ii  libxi6                        4.3.0.dfsg.1-14               X Window 
System Input extension library
    ii  libxine1                      1.0.1-1                       the xine 
video/media player library, binary files
    ii  libxklavier8                  1.03-1                        X Keyboard 
Extension high-level API
    ii  libxml1                       1.8.17-10                     GNOME XML 
    ii  libxml2                       2.6.16-7                      GNOME XML 
    ii  libxmu6                       4.3.0.dfsg.1-14               X Window 
System miscellaneous utility library
    ii  libxmuu1                      4.3.0.dfsg.1-14               lightweight 
X Window System miscellaneous utility library
    ii  libxp6                        4.3.0.dfsg.1-14               X Window 
System printing extension library
    ii  libxpm4                       4.3.0.dfsg.1-14               X pixmap 
    ii  libxrandr2                    4.3.0.dfsg.1-14               X Window 
System Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension library
    ii  libxrender1                   0.8.3-7                       X Rendering 
Extension client library
    ii  libxslt1.1                    1.1.12-8                      XSLT 
processing library - runtime library
    ii  libxt6                        4.3.0.dfsg.1-14               X Toolkit 
    ii  libxtrap6                     4.3.0.dfsg.1-14               X Window 
System protocol-trapping extension library
    ii  libxtst6                      4.3.0.dfsg.1-14               X Window 
System event recording and testing extension library
    ii  libxv1                        4.3.0.dfsg.1-14               X Window 
System video extension library
    ii  lilo                          22.6.1-6.2                    LInux 
LOader - The Classic OS loader can load Linux and others
    ii  linux-kernel-headers          2.5.999-test7-bk-17           Linux 
Kernel Headers for development
    ii  locales                       2.3.2.ds1-22                  GNU C 
Library: National Language (locale) data [support]
    ii  login                         4.0.3-31sarge5                system 
login tools
    ii  logrotate                     3.7-5                         Log 
rotation utility
    ii  lsof                          4.74.dfsg.3-2                 List open 
    ii  m4                            1.4.2-1                       a macro 
processing language
    ii  maildrop                      1.5.3-1.1                     mail 
delivery agent with filtering abilities
    ii  mailx                         8.1.2-0.20040524cvs-4         A simple 
mail user agent
    ii  make                          3.80-9                        The GNU 
version of the "make" utility.
    ii  makedev                       2.3.1-77                      creates 
device files in /dev
    ii  makepasswd                    1.10-2                        Generate 
and encrypt passwords
    ii  man-db                        2.4.2-21                      The on-line 
manual pager
    ii  manpages                      1.70-1                        Manual 
pages about using a GNU/Linux system
    ii  manpages-dev                  1.70-1                        Manual 
pages about using GNU/Linux for development
    ii  mawk                          1.3.3-11                      a pattern 
scanning and text processing language
    ii  menu                          2.1.24                        provides 
update-menus functions for some applications
    ii  menu-xdg                      0.2                           
freedesktop.org menu compliant window manager scripts
    ii  metacity                      2.8.8-1                       A 
lightweight GTK2 based Window Manager
    ii  mime-support                  3.28-1                        MIME files 
'mime.types' & 'mailcap', and support programs
    ii  mkisofs                       2.01+01a01-2                  Creates 
ISO-9660 CD-ROM filesystem images
    ii  module-assistant              0.9                           tool to 
make module package creation easier
    ii  module-init-tools             3.2-pre1-2                    tools for 
managing Linux kernel modules
    ii  modutils                      2.4.26-1.2                    Linux 
module utilities
    ii  mount                         2.12p-4                       Tools for 
mounting and manipulating filesystems
    ii  mozilla-browser               1.7.8-1                       The Mozilla 
Internet application suite - core and browser
    ii  mozilla-psm                   1.7.8-1                       The Mozilla 
Internet application suite - Personal Security Manager (PSM)
    ii  mozplugger                    1.7.1-1                       Plugin 
allowing external viewers to be launched inside Mozilla
    ii  mpack                         1.6-1                         tools for 
encoding/decoding MIME messages
    ii  msttcorefonts                 1.2                           Installer 
for Microsoft TrueType core fonts
    ii  mtools                        3.9.9-2.1                     Tools for 
manipulating MSDOS files
    ii  mtr                           0.67-1                        Full screen 
ncurses and X11 traceroute tool
    ii  multi-gnome-terminal          1.6.2-10                      Enhanced 
the GNOME Terminal
    ii  multitail                     3.4.8-3                       view 
multiple logfiles windowed on console
    ii  mutt                          1.5.9-2                       Text-based 
mailreader supporting MIME, GPG, PGP and threading
    ii  myspell-en-us                 20030813-3                    English 
(US) dictionary for myspell
    ii  ncurses-base                  5.4-4                         
Descriptions of common terminal types
    ii  ncurses-bin                   5.4-4                         
Terminal-related programs and man pages
    ii  ndiswrapper-modules-  1.1-4+20050706.musang         Ndiswrapper 
linux kernel module
    ii  ndiswrapper-modules-2.6.8-2-3 1.1-2                         Ndiswrapper 
linux kernel module
    ii  ndiswrapper-source            1.1-4                         Source for 
the ndiswrapper linux kernel module
    ii  ndiswrapper-utils             1.1-4                         Userspace 
utilities for ndiswrapper
    ii  net-tools                     1.60-10                       The NET-3 
networking toolkit
    ii  netbase                       4.21                          Basic 
TCP/IP networking system
    ii  netkit-inetd                  0.10-10                       The 
Internet Superserver
    ii  netpbm                        10.0-8                        Graphics 
conversion tools
    ii  nfs-common                    1.0.6-3.1                     NFS support 
files common to client and server
    ii  ooqstart-gnome                0.8.3-8                       
OpenOffice.org QuickStarter applet for GNOME 2
    ii  openoffice.org                1.1.3-9                       
high-quality office productivity suite
    ii  openoffice.org-bin            1.1.3-9                       
OpenOffice.org office suite binary files
    ii  openoffice.org-debian-files   1.1.3-8+1                     Debian 
specific parts of OpenOffice.org
    ii  openoffice.org-help-en        1.1+20040420-3                
OpenOffice.org office suite help (English)
    ii  openoffice.org-l10n-en        1.1.3-9                       English 
(US) language package for OpenOffice.org
    ii  passwd                        4.0.3-31sarge5                change and 
administer password and group data
    ii  patch                         2.5.9-2                       Apply a 
diff file to an original
    ii  pciutils                      2.1.11-15                     Linux PCI 
    ii  pcmcia-cs                     3.2.5-10                      PCMCIA Card 
Services for Linux
    ii  perl                          5.8.4-8                       Larry 
Wall's Practical Extraction and Report Language
    ii  perl-base                     5.8.4-8                       The 
Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish Lister
    ii  perl-modules                  5.8.4-8                       Core Perl 
    ii  po-debconf                    0.8.23                        manage 
translated Debconf templates files with gettext
    ii  portmap                       5-9                           The RPC 
    ii  poster                        20020830-2                    Create 
large posters out of PostScript pages
    ii  postfix                       2.1.5-9                       A 
high-performance mail transport agent
    ii  postfix-tls                   2.1.5-9                       TLS and 
SASL support for Postfix
    ii  powermgmt-base                1.22                          Common 
utils and configs for power management
    ii  prelink                       0.0.20050314-1                ELF 
prelinking utility to speed up dynamic linking
    ii  procmail                      3.22-11                       Versatile 
e-mail processor
    ii  procps                        3.2.1-2                       The /proc 
file system utilities
    ii  psfontmgr                     0.11.8-0.1                    PostScript 
font manager -- part of Defoma, Debian Font Manager
    ii  psmisc                        21.5-1                        Utilities 
that use the proc filesystem
    ii  psutils                       1.17-17                       A 
collection of PostScript document handling utilities
    ii  python                        2.3.5-2                       An 
interactive high-level object-oriented language (default version)
    ii  python-apt                    0.5.10                        Python 
interface to libapt-pkg
    ii  python-gtk2                   2.6.1-2                       Python 
bindings for the GTK+ widget set
    ii  python2.3                     2.3.5-3                       An 
interactive high-level object-oriented language (version 2.3)
    ii  python2.3-gtk2                2.6.1-2                       Python 
bindings for the GTK+ widget set
    ii  python2.3-numeric             23.8-1                        Numerical 
(matrix-oriented) Mathematics for Python
    ii  reportbug                     3.8                           reports 
bugs in the Debian distribution
    ii  rsnapshot                     1.2.1-1                       local and 
remote filesystem snapshot utility
    ii  rsync                         2.6.4-6                       fast remote 
file copy program (like rcp)
    ii  ruby                          1.8.2-1                       An 
interpreter of object-oriented scripting language Ruby
    ii  ruby1.8                       1.8.2-7                       Interpreter 
of object-oriented scripting language Ruby 1.8
    ii  samba-common                  3.0.14a-3                     Samba 
common files used by both the server and the client
    ii  screen                        4.0.2-4.1                     a terminal 
multiplexor with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation
    ii  scrollkeeper                  0.3.14-10                     A free 
electronic cataloging system for documentation
    ii  sed                           4.1.2-8                       The GNU sed 
stream editor
    ii  sgml-base                     1.26                          SGML 
infrastructure and SGML catalog file support
    ii  sgml-data                     2.0.3                         common SGML 
and XML data
    ii  shared-mime-info              0.16-3                        
FreeDesktop.org shared MIME database and spec
    ii  sharutils                     4.2.1-13                      shar, 
unshar, uuencode, uudecode
    ii  slang1a-utf8                  1.4.9dbs-8                    The S-Lang 
programming library with utf8 support
    ii  slay                          2.4                           Kills all 
of the user's processes
    ii  smartmontools                 5.32-3                        control and 
monitor storage systems using S.M.A.R.T.
    ii  smbclient                     3.0.14a-3                     a 
LanManager-like simple client for Unix
    ii  ssh                           3.8.1p1-8.sarge.4             Secure 
rlogin/rsh/rcp replacement (OpenSSH)
    ii  strace                        4.5.8-1.2                     A system 
call tracer
    ii  sudo                          1.6.8p7-1.1sarge1             Provide 
limited super user privileges to specific users
    ii  sun-j2sdk1.5                  1.5.0+update04                Java(TM) 2 
SDK, Standard Edition, Sun Microsystems(TM)
    ii  sysklogd                      1.4.1-17                      System 
Logging Daemon
    ii  sysv-rc                       2.86.ds1-1                    Standard 
boot mechanism using symlinks in /etc/rc?.d
    ii  sysvinit                      2.86.ds1-1                    System-V 
like init
    ii  tar                           1.14-2                        GNU tar
    ii  tcl8.4                        8.4.9-1                       Tcl (the 
Tool Command Language) v8.4 - run-time files
    ii  tcpd                          7.6.dbs-8                     Wietse 
Venema's TCP wrapper utilities
    ii  telnet                        0.17-29                       The telnet 
    ii  time                          1.7-21                        The GNU 
time program for measuring cpu resource usage
    ii  tinyproxy                     1.6.3-2                       A 
lightweight, non-caching, optionally anonymizing http proxy
    ii  traceroute                    1.4a12-18                     traces the 
route taken by packets over a TCP/IP network
    ii  ttf-bitstream-vera            1.10-3                        The 
Bitstream Vera family of free TrueType fonts
    ii  ttf-freefont                  20031008-1.1                  Freefont 
Serif, Sans and Mono Truetype fonts
    ii  ttf-opensymbol                1.1.3-9                       The 
OpenSymbol TrueType font
    ii  ucf                           1.17                          Update 
Configuration File: preserves user changes to config files.
    ii  udev                          0.056-3                       /dev/ 
management daemon
    ii  unzip                         5.52-1                        De-archiver 
for .zip files
    ii  usbutils                      0.70-8                        USB console 
    ii  util-linux                    2.12p-4                       
Miscellaneous system utilities
    ii  vim                           6.3-071+1                     Vi IMproved 
- enhanced vi editor
    ii  vim-common                    6.3-071+1                     Vi IMproved 
- Common files
    ii  vim-gnome                     6.3-071+1                     Vi IMproved 
- GNOME2 Version
    ii  vsftpd                        2.0.3-1                       The Very 
Secure FTP Daemon
    ii  wamerican                     5-4                           American 
English dictionary words for /usr/share/dict
    ii  wget                          1.9.1-12                      retrieves 
files from the web
    ii  whiptail                      0.51.6-20                     Displays 
user-friendly dialog boxes from shell scripts
    ii  whois                         4.7.5                         the GNU 
whois client
    ii  x-ttcidfont-conf              17                            Configure 
TrueType and CID fonts for X
    ii  xbase-clients                 4.3.0.dfsg.1-14               
miscellaneous X clients
    ii  xchat                         2.4.1-0.1                     IRC client 
for X similar to AmIRC
    ii  xchat-common                  2.4.1-0.1                     Common 
files for X-Chat
    ii  xchat-systray                 2.4.5-2                       xchat 
systray notification icon
    ii  xfonts-100dpi                 4.3.0.dfsg.1-14               100 dpi 
fonts for X
    ii  xfonts-base                   4.3.0.dfsg.1-14               standard 
fonts for X
    ii  xfonts-scalable               4.3.0.dfsg.1-14               scalable 
fonts for X
    ii  xfree86-common                4.3.0.dfsg.1-14               X Window 
System (XFree86) infrastructure
    ii  xfs                           4.3.0.dfsg.1-14               X font 
    ii  xfsprogs                      2.6.20-1                      Utilities 
for managing the XFS filesystem
    ii  xine-ui                       0.99.3-1                      the xine 
video player, user interface
    ii  xlibmesa-gl                   4.3.0.dfsg.1-14               Mesa 3D 
graphics library [XFree86]
    ii  xlibmesa-glu                  4.3.0.dfsg.1-14               Mesa OpenGL 
utility library [XFree86]
    ii  xlibs                         4.3.0.dfsg.1-14               X Keyboard 
Extension (XKB) configuration data and metapackage
    ii  xlibs-data                    4.3.0.dfsg.1-14               X Window 
System client data
    ii  xml-core                      0.09                          XML 
infrastructure and XML catalog file support
    ii  xmms                          1.2.10+cvs20050209-2          Versatile X 
audio player that looks like Winamp
    ii  xmms-flac                     1.1.1-5                       Free 
Lossless Audio Codec - XMMS input plugin
    ii  xmms-status-plugin            1.0.0-2                       Status 
panel applet for XMMS
    ii  xpdf                          3.00-13                       Portable 
Document Format (PDF) suite
    ii  xpdf-common                   3.00-13                       Portable 
Document Format (PDF) suite -- common files
    ii  xpdf-reader                   3.00-13                       Portable 
Document Format (PDF) suite -- viewer for X11
    ii  xpdf-utils                    3.00-13                       Portable 
Document Format (PDF) suite -- utilities
    ii  xprint                        0.1.0.alpha1-10               Xprint - 
the X11 print system (binary)
    ii  xprint-common                 0.1.0.alpha1-10               Xprint - 
the X11 print system (configuration files)
    ii  xscreensaver                  4.21-3                        Automatic 
screensaver for X
    ii  xserver-common                4.3.0.dfsg.1-14               files and 
utilities common to all X servers
    ii  xserver-xfree86               4.3.0.dfsg.1-14               the XFree86 
X server
    ii  xutils                        4.3.0.dfsg.1-14               X Window 
System utility programs
    ii  zlib1g                        1.2.2-4                       compression 
library - runtime

I hope to hear from you soon. Thanks!

 --> Jijo

Federico Sevilla III : jijo.free.net.ph : When we speak of free software
GNU/Linux Specialist : GnuPG 0x93B746BE : we refer to freedom, not price.

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