I looked in my logs and found this error when I try to sync when replication 
is not working:

Jul 14 09:08:28 provider slapd[30730]: <= bdb_equality_candidates: (memberUid) 
not indexed
Jul 14 09:08:28 provider slapd[30730]: <= bdb_equality_candidates: 
(uniqueMember) not indexed
Jul 14 09:08:28 provider slapd[30730]: <= bdb_equality_candidates: 
(uniqueMember) not indexed
Jul 14 09:08:59 provider slapd[30730]: SASL [conn=78] Error: unable to open 
Berkeley db /etc/sasldb2: No such file or directory
Jul 14 09:09:09 provider slapd[30730]: SASL [conn=13] Failure: GSSAPI Error: 
The referenced context has expired (No error)
Jul 14 09:09:09 provider slapd[30730]: send_search_entry: conn 13  ber write 

Looks like I have a Kerberos issue instead of an LDAP one..

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Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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