Package: cron
Version: 3.0pl1-106
Severity: minor
Tags: patch

As has been mentioned in other bugreports (#485452, #535227), the
use of lockfile-progs by /etc/cron.daily/standard introduces an
unnecessary dependency on a low-Priority package, pulling it in by 
default on every Debian install, even though you could get the same
functionality more easily via coreutils these days.

I attach three different sh scripts:
 * flockdemo - which just shows how it works;
 * standard.daily - a minimal modification of the cronjob;
 * rewrite - a thoroughgoing reimplementation.

That third one is just there because I couldn't help myself - it has
extra features such as recognising ext4, but it deliberately changes
more or less every line and probably isn't suitable for use.

I also attach a patch that covers the minimal-change version plus
corresponding edits to the control file, removing the unnecessary
"Recommends: lockfile-progs" and the corresponding paragraph of the
package description.  It should also fix bugs #179629 and #478967,
though not bug #333837.

 Further comments on the standard cronjobs:

First, "/etc/cron.monthly/standard" has been empty for most of a
decade.  Now would be a good time to get rid of it.

Second, the names of these cronjobs contravene a "should" in Debian
Policy 9.5, where it defines the namespace for these files:
# If a package wants to install a job that has to be executed via
# cron, it should place a file with the name of the package in one
# or more of the following directories:
Even anacron, which can't use plain "anacron", gets as close as it
can with "0anacron".  So the one remaining standard cronjob should 
be named "/etc/cron.daily/cron", leaving the namespace clear in case
a package ever turns up named "standard".

Third, I agree with bug #473711: it's pointless to have every single
Debian machine spinning up every single hard disk to check the
status of lost+found directories every single day.  Corrupted file
systems don't surreptitiously fsck themselves - doing the check more
often than once per boot is only going to be useful if the sysadmin
performs crucial system rescue procedures without paying attention,
and if you're going to assume that, you need to do a lot more kinds
of check!  IMHO this task should belong to initscripts; if that's
too much trouble it could at least be factored out into a script
(something like "/sbin/chklost+found") so that it can be called both
@reboot and @daily.
Ankh kak! (Ancient Egyptian blessing)
FLOCK=~/lock    # or whatever; not somewhere world-writable
umask 066       # don't let anyone else get a read-lock
: > $FLOCK      # always recreate it in case it's on a tmpfs
exec < $FLOCK   # use STDIN, don't interfere with output
if ! flock -n 0; then
    echo 'Failed to acquire lock'
    exit 1
echo 'Running - now launch another to demonstrate collisions'
sleep 5
echo 'Finished' # $FLOCK automatically released
# /etc/cron.daily/standard: standard daily maintenance script
# Written by Ian A. Murdock <>
# Modified by Ian Jackson <>
# Modified by Steve Greenland <>

# Start in the root filesystem, make SElinux happy
cd /

# Avoid running more than one at a time 

umask 066
exec < $LOCKFILE
if ! flock -n 0; then
        cat <<EOF

Unable to run /etc/cron.daily/standard because lockfile $LOCKFILE
acquisition failed. This probably means that the previous day's
instance is still running. Please check and correct if necessary.

    exit 1
umask 022

# Backup key system files

if cd $bak ; then
        cmp -s passwd.bak /etc/passwd || (cp -p /etc/passwd passwd.bak &&
                                          chmod 600 passwd.bak)
        cmp -s group.bak /etc/group || (cp -p /etc/group group.bak &&
                                        chmod 600 group.bak)
        if [ -f /etc/shadow ] ; then
          cmp -s shadow.bak /etc/shadow || (cp -p /etc/shadow shadow.bak &&
                                            chmod 600 shadow.bak)
        if [ -f /etc/gshadow ] ; then
          cmp -s gshadow.bak /etc/gshadow || (cp -p /etc/gshadow gshadow.bak &&
                                              chmod 600 gshadow.bak)

if cd $bak ; then
    if ! cmp -s dpkg.status.0 /var/lib/dpkg/status ; then
            cp -p /var/lib/dpkg/status dpkg.status
            savelog -c 7 dpkg.status >/dev/null
# Check to see if any files are in lost+found directories and warn admin
# Get a list of the (potential) ext2, ext3 and xfs l+f directories
# Discard errors, for systems not using any of these.
df -P --type=ext2 --type=ext3 --type=xfs 2>/dev/null |
awk '/\/dev\// { print }' | sed -e 's/ [[:space:]]*/ /g'  |
while read mount block used avail perc mp; do
        [ "$mp" = "/" ] && mp=""
        echo "$mp/lost+found"
done |
while read lfdir; do
# In each directory, look for files
    if [ -d "$lfdir" ] ; then
        more_lost_found=`ls -1  "$lfdir" | grep -v 'lost+found$' | sed 's/^/    
        if [ -n "$more_lost_found" ] ; then

            # NOTE: above weird line breaks in string are intentional!

# NOTE: This might need to be configurable if systems abound
# w/o lost+found out there to prevent giving out this warning
# every day.
if [ -n "$lost_found" ]; then
    cat << EOF
Files were found in lost+found directories. This is probably
the result of a crash or bad shutdown, or possibly of a disk
problem. These files may contain important information. You
should examine them, and move them out of lost+found or delete
them if they are not important.

The following files were found:

if [ -n "$no_lost_found" ]; then
    cat << EOF
Some local filesystems do not have lost+found directories. This
means that these filesystems will not be able to recover
lost files when the filesystem is checked after a crash.
Consider creating a lost+found directory with mklost+found(8).

The following lost+found directories were not available:
# Preparation
cd /                            # to keep SElinux happy
. /etc/default/cron             # for NO_* variables
# Prevent overlapping runs
if      ! test "$NO_FLOCK"      # maybe you've got Lenny coreutils
then    umask 066               # (only affects the following line)
        : > $FLOCK
        exec < $FLOCK
        if      ! flock -n 0
        then    echo "
Acquisition of lockfile $FLOCK failed - cronjob aborting.
This probably means that the previous instance is still running.
Please check and correct if necessary.
                exit 1
# Back up key system files
if      test "$NO_BACKUPS"      # if every MB of space is precious
then    :
elif    cd /var/backups
then    for     FILE in passwd group shadow gshadow
        do      test -f "/etc/$FILE" || continue
                cmp -s $FILE.bak /etc/$FILE && continue
                cp -p /etc/$FILE $FILE.bak || continue
                chmod 0600 $FILE.bak
        for     FILE in /var/lib/dpkg/status
        do      cmp -s $FILE dpkg.status.0 && continue
                cp -p $FILE dpkg.status || continue
                savelog -m 644 -c 7 dpkg.status >&-
# Check lost+found directories
test "$NO_CHECK_LF" && exit 0   # advisable on e.g. all-JFS systems
LF=lost+found                   # vary to debug!
exec < /etc/mtab
while   read DEV MP FS
do      case    $DEV in
        /dev/*) ;;
        *)      continue ;;
        case    $FS in
        ext*|xfs) ;;
        *)      continue ;;
        test "$MP" = '/' && MP=''
        if      ! test -d "$MP/$LF"
        then    MISSING="$MISSING$NEWLINE $MP/$LF"
        elif    cd "$MP/$LF" 2>&-
        then    for     NAME in *
                do      test "$NAME" = '*' && continue
                        LIST="$LIST$NEWLINE    $NAME"
                test "$LIST" || continue
        else    echo "Can't access $MP/$LF"
# Report findings if any
if      test "$MISSING"
then    echo "
Some local file systems lack a $LF directory. This means if the
file system is damaged and needs to be repaired, fsck will not have
anywhere to put stray files for recovery. You should consider creating
a $LF directory with mk$LF(8).

The following $LF directories were not available:
if      test "$CONTENTS"
then    echo "
Items were found in $LF directories. This is probably the result
of a crash or bad shutdown, or possibly of a disk problem. You should
examine them to see if they contain important information, and either
retrieve them from $LF or delete them.

The following items were found:
# The End
exit 0
diff -ru cron-3.0pl1.pristine/debian/control cron-3.0pl1/debian/control
--- cron-3.0pl1.pristine/debian/control	2009-06-30 18:58:02.000000000 +0100
+++ cron-3.0pl1/debian/control	2009-07-11 21:58:27.000000000 +0100
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 Package: cron
 Architecture: any
 Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, debianutils (>=1.7), adduser, lsb-base (>= 3.0-10)
-Recommends: exim4 | postfix | mail-transport-agent, lockfile-progs
+Recommends: exim4 | postfix | mail-transport-agent
 Suggests: anacron (>=2.0-1), logrotate, checksecurity
 Conflicts: suidmanager (<< 0.50), lockfile-progs (<< 0.1.7)
@@ -31,7 +31,3 @@
  maintenance tasks, such as ensuring creating copying key system files.
  Additional maintenance tasks are available on external packages, such as
- .
- The lockfile-progs package is recommended as it will prevent
- /etc/cron.daily/standard from running multiple
- times if something gets jammed.
diff -ru cron-3.0pl1.pristine/debian/standard.daily cron-3.0pl1/debian/standard.daily
--- cron-3.0pl1.pristine/debian/standard.daily	2009-06-30 18:58:02.000000000 +0100
+++ cron-3.0pl1/debian/standard.daily	2009-07-13 11:51:34.000000000 +0100
@@ -8,15 +8,15 @@
 cd /
-umask 022
 # Avoid running more than one at a time 
-if [ -x /usr/bin/lockfile-create ] ; then
-    lockfile-create $LOCKFILE
-    if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
+umask 066
+exec < $LOCKFILE
+if ! flock -n 0; then
 	cat <<EOF
 Unable to run /etc/cron.daily/standard because lockfile $LOCKFILE
@@ -24,13 +24,9 @@
 instance is still running. Please check and correct if necessary.
-	exit 1
-    fi
-    # Keep lockfile fresh
-    lockfile-touch $LOCKFILE &
+    exit 1
+umask 022
 # Backup key system files
@@ -112,11 +108,3 @@
-# Clean up lockfile
-if [ -x /usr/bin/lockfile-create ] ; then
-    lockfile-remove $LOCKFILE

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