Fresh version of foxyproxy is about to be uploaded to Debian but I would
be thankful if you verify that #518288 and  #508836 would be fixed by
this upload.

Tentative deb package is available from


On Mon, 13 Jul 2009, wrote:

> Maybe something could be done to stop this from happening each time
> iceweasel is updated.

On Wed, 04 Mar 2009, wrote:

> Package: foxyproxy
> Version: 2.7.5~dfsg.1-1
> Severity: wishlist

> Odd, the only time I see this is with foxyproxy enabled. It seems this
> should be an internal firefox URL that instead makes its way out as an
> HTTP request. Just thought you would like to know.

> It was caused by clicking the orange RSS icon in the URL bar, which
> comes from <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS
> 2.0" href="http://localhost/articles/index.php/feed";> in the <head> of
> a page browsed, (here on my offline test machine.)

> WWWOFFLE Illegal Protocol
> Your request for URL
> feed://http//localhost/articles/index.php/feed
> uses the feed protocol which is not supported by the WWWOFFLE proxy server.

> The WWWOFFLE program can only process requests for the protocols that
> it understands. WWWOFFLE handles the most common protocols for
> fetching data like the HTTP and FTP protocols.

> tcpflow -i lo shows:

> GET feed://http//localhost/articles/index.php/feed HTTP/1.1
> Host: http
> User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: 
> Gecko/2009020409 Iceweasel/3.0.6 (Debian-3.0.6-1)

> Picking "default" in foxyproxy gives the proper request:
> GET /articles/index.php/feed HTTP/1.1
> Host: localhost
> User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: 
> Gecko/2009020409 Iceweasel/3.0.6 (Debian-3.0.6-1)

> Indeed, wget, lwp-request, lynx, w3m, midori all poop out.

> However
> $ firefox feed://http//localhost/articles/index.php/feed
> works, if foxyproxy is set to "default".

On Tue, 16 Dec 2008, wrote:

> Package: foxyproxy
> Version: 2.7.5~dfsg.1-1
> Severity: important
> X-debbugs-cc:,, 

> Using tcpflow -i any, I have determined that
> $ firefox URL #also called iceweasel on Debian
> ignores foxyproxy, connecting straight to the Internet (ran out the
> door without its chastity belt!)

> If one does not want firefox to sneak around foxyproxy's back, one
> must first start firefox with no URL argument, then one can safely
> give URLs from the command line (or URL entry box inside firefox):
> $ firefox & sleep 11; firefox URL

> (I suspect that firefox will still occasionally get its own personal
> favorite URLs ("call home for updates" or whatever) behind our backs
> anyway. Probably need to enforce the proxy right there on port 80...)

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