On Thu, 16 Jul 2009 09:38:21 -0400, Micah Anderson writes:
>The newer duplicity stable release, 0.5.18 which was released May 20,
>contains a significant number of fixes from the one currently in the
>archive. Could you update the package? If you cannot do it soon, I
>am happy to NMU it.

i'll put in some effort over the weekend.

>The current development release is 0.6.02, released July 8, 2009, it
>contains some very useful features, such as Checkpoint/Restart
>capabilities, which would fix at least one bug in the BTS. Uploading
>this version to Experimental would be a useful exercise IMHO.

i'm not happy with the idea of maintaining three versions (lenny's ancient
one, testing/unstable and an experimental one), especially as in the recent
past even the major version switches haven't caused much breakage.

i will therefore package 0.6, test it and upload it for unstable+testing,
likely followed by an etch-backport build as well.


+ Alexander Zangerl + DSA 42BD645D + (RSA 5B586291)
Fachbegriffe der Informatik, Interaktives Fernsehen: Fernsteuerung mit 
Taste 'Bezahlen' statt 'Aus'. ('Standpay'-Taste)  -- nach Peter Berlich

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