hey peter,

On Tue, Jul 12, 2005 at 01:09:36PM +0200, Peter Palfrader wrote:
> > - you should consider also posting this upstream at the sourceforge
> >   site (i'm on the upstream nagios-plugins team, so you can be sure
> >   to get a response).
> Can you forward it?

sure, after i have a chance to look it over and test drive it, i'll send
it to upstream cvs HEAD.  i've been really wanting something like this
for a bit too :)

> apt-get --simulate upgrade output looks like
> | Inst libpam0g-dev [0.76-22] (0.76-23 Debian:unstable) []
> | Inst libpam-runtime [0.76-22] (0.76-23 Debian:unstable) []
> | Conf libpam-runtime (0.76-23 Debian:unstable) []
> | Inst libpam0g [0.76-22] (0.76-23 Debian:unstable)

aha.  i thought it was matching against the URI.  my bad.  however,
i think a slightly improved regex would be:

        if ($line =~ m/^Inst\s+\S+\s+\[[^]]+\]\s+\(\S+ [^:]+:security\)/i) {

which will avoid any wierd cases where security shows up in
the version or origin.

> > - it would be nice if the plugin could be configured via cmdline
> >   arguments to exit warning/critical for whether or not there are
> >   security updates available
> done.
> > - it would be nice if the plugin could be configured via cmdline
> >   arguments to exit warning/critical for whether or not there are
> >   normal updates available
> done.
> > - it would be nice if the plugin could be configured via cmdline
> >   arguments to not do the apt-get upgrade half of the check.
> apt-get update you mean?  done.

yeah, meant update. awesome.  

> Not really tested this version yet tho.

well it shouldn't be too hard to do, i'll volunteer at least this
much effort.  i'll follow up after i've tested/committed this upstream.



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