On Wed, Jul 13, 2005 at 05:05:02PM -0700, Daniel Burrows wrote:
> On Wednesday 13 July 2005 04:54 pm, Thomas Dickey wrote:
> > The bad sample would be easier to compare if it used the same fontsize as
> > the good one (and if I had some idea what the font resource settings in
> > use were).  Also - not sure whether this is a Debian patch issue, or my
> > bug - it would be nice if you could compile/test the upstream package
> > (whatever "xterm -v" says).
>   They do use the same font size (called "Default" by xterm in both cases); 
> I'm not sure what you're getting at there.  Maybe you mean that they have 
> different terminal sizes; I've updated the 'bad' one to use the same terminal 
> size as the 'good' one (for obvious reasons I can't take another 'good' 
> screenshot).

The picture I see on the screen shows the bad one about 2/3 the width of
the good one.
>   When I was using the Debian X packages, I just stuck to the default Debian 
> xterm settings; with the X.org stuff, I may have had some sort of mixture of 
> Debian and X.org settings (I'm not sure).

It's hard to say - since I make a given patch, and then Debian may have that
plus pieces from a following patch.  With #201, I modified some of the logic
that looks for a matching wide bold font (long story).  One person commented
that bold had changed as well - my guess was that a different font was selected
- if you're running something that "xterm -v" says is #201 or later, it may be
that (and with enough information I can see what's amiss).

Thomas E. Dickey

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