On Thu, Aug 20 2009, Don Armstrong wrote:

> I'm calling for a vote on the following options[1]:
> | 1. Qmail is to be allowed into the archive without special
> | preconditions. Ftpmaster should perform standard NEW processing for
> | licensing, copyright, and general packaging issues as normal.
> | 
> | Qmail is subject to the normal removal process for packages.
> | 
> | 2. Qmail is to be allowed into the archive without special
> | preconditions, save the RC bug indicated below. Ftpmaster should
> | perform standard NEW processing for licensing, copyright, and general
> | packaging issues as normal. with the addition of an RC bug filed
> | immediately to preventing normal transition for a period of at least a
> | month after traversing NEW.
> | 
> | During this period, additional RC (or non-RC) bugs should be filed by
> | interested parties, and updated qmail packages fixing these bugs
> | should be uploaded as usual. After a month, the RM or the maintainer
> | can continue to decide that the package is not acceptable for release
> | at their discretion, as happens for any package. [If the RM or
> | maintainer don't reaffirm the transition blocking bug, the ctte will
> | close the transition blocking bug.]
> | 
> | Qmail is subject to the normal removal process for packages.
> | 
> | 3. Qmail is to be allowed in to the archive after a patch to resolve
> | the delayed bounces issue, where mail sent to an invalid recipient
> | which a reasonable MTA is capable of knowing is invalid is accepted
> | instead of being rejected at RCPT TO time. After upload, the process
> | outlined in option #2 will take effect.
> | 
> | 4. Qmail is not to be allowed into Debian.
> | 
> | 5. Further discussion.

        I vote:
 3 1 2 4 5

"The one charm of marriage is that it makes a life of deception a
neccessity." Oscar Wilde
Manoj Srivastava <sriva...@debian.org> <http://www.debian.org/~srivasta/>  
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