Atheist is a command-line based tool for program testing. It provides a
feature set unrivaled by any other program testing (not unit testing) tool
in Debian. With a wide and extensible library the user may prepare the test
environment, check conditions after or before tests, launch helper daemons,
execute tests remotely and much more. It is written in python and the main
idea is that programmers may test their programs in a black-box way. Test
specifications may be passed to atheist (or it looks for them in a concrete
directory) which executes all of them and shows detailed statistics at the
end of the execution.

The atheist API is composed by test entities that can be used by the user.
For instance, Condition objects represent any situation that must be occur
at a time and may be composed with other Conditions. A Test object has many
useful attributes like the command to execute, terminate signal expected,
pre and post conditions, maximum time of execution, become a test
'daemonizable'... With a few test files it is possible to create complex and
sophisticated program tests.

There is a manual written by using python-sphinx and it will be included in
the package.

Cleto Martín Angelina

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