On Tue, 2009-08-25 at 19:36 +0200, Olaf van der Spek wrote:
> No, and I didn't receive your email either. :(
What do you mean? I haven't put you on CC before...

> My previous argument still holds:
>  > AFAIK syn cookies only get send when the half-open TCP connection 
> queue is full. So stuff like window scaling should work fine in normal 
> situations.
I think the best way would be if you (or someone else) could start a new
discussion on this,.. either on lkml, or debian-devel,... perhaps there
are some experts who can give a definite answer aboute the "best"
setting (if there is one).

> BTW, what's the recommended way to reply to a bug report if you don't 
> have any previous emails? Right now I just copy/paste stuff, but that's 
> inconvenient.
Not sure,... I'm subscribed to the mailinglist ;)


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