
On šeštadienis 08 Rugpjūtis 2009 22:52:22 Joey Hess wrote:
> I need to be careful here. This change makes *all* packages that use
> a make-based buildsystem start honoring DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=parallel.
> But, turning on -j is known to break many crummy Makefiles. That's why
> DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=parallel is documented as something that should only
> be enabled if the package's build system is known to support it.
> So, if we make this change, someone who currently always builds with
> dpkg-buildpackage -j2 may suddently see packages failing to build, or
> even misbuilding somehow. This seems very risky.
> Maybe instead dh needs to get a -j option; then if a rules file wants
> to support DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS it could set the option. Or something along
> those lines. However, would that really be any better than my earlier
> suggestion for adding an override target?

We have a couple of issues here:

1) dpkg-buildpackage -jX sets both parallel=X AND MAKEFLAGS=-jX. Therefore, 
regardless if the package declares support for parallel=X or not, but uses 
$(MAKE) to build the package, it will build with -jX. Currently, dh "wall" 
prevents this behaviour, but it is possible to fix this in a clean way 
(without '+' hacks or overriding). But do we want to fix this? Btw, I'm 
proposing a clean implementation of your '+' hack here.

Obviously, if only DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS has parallel=X without MAKEFLAGS set, 
parallel should not be automatically enabled.

2) Supporting overriding via parallel is non-optimal since parallel is an 
optional but official feature of Debian Policy. debhelper/dh should provide 
support for standardized things if possible (and it is possible).

3) The way to solve this is indeed dh -j/--parallel option to declare that the 
package supports parallel. What is more, some build systems (e.g. cmake) 
always generates parallel-safe Makefiles so it makes much sense to default to 
--parallel for them. However, the fact that makefile.pm is auto-detected at 
"build" step for cmake is not helping this case and unfortunately, I don't see 
another way how how to to solve this but some temporary file hacks (urgh!) or 
reordering of @BUILDSYSTEMS (moving cmake above makefile).

So waiting for your answer. This bug IS a show stopper for huge source 
packages which could be built much faster on SMP systems (which are commodity 
these days).

Modestas Vainius <modes...@vainius.eu>

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