reassign 444980 initscripts

I do not believe that the best fix for this bug should happen in the
udev package.
A simple fix could be something like:

DONTKILL=$(for p in $(pgrep udev); do echo "-o $p"; done)
killall5 $DONTKILL

Feel free to close this bug if you do not want to modify initscripts.

On Jul 07, Marco d'Itri <> wrote:

> On Jul 07, Frans Pop <> wrote:
> > I don't think so. Single user mode is for sysadmin tasks and I'd say that 
> > the udev daemon should be running for those as performing those tasks 
> > could result it udev triggers being generated, which should be processed.
> What could I do then? /etc/rc1.d/S30killprocs does not allow excluding
> processes.


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