Francesco Potorti` ha scritto:
> What you describe is a software decision that has a problem (a bug).
> There must be a way out of this problem.  If that decision cannot be
> modified for some reason, then some other way should be found.  One
> possibility would be for the init.d script to signal an error upon
> starting the daemon when it detects this particular problem.  But there
> may be other possibilities.  The bottom line is that one cannot let this
> problem go undetected by design: this would mean that the design is
> flawed (bugged).

If smartmontools haven't mailx in Depends, warning the user about the missing
/usr/bin/mail doesn't make sense.

Default config must work without any warnings for all users, with or without the
mail binary. smartmontools can work without /usr/bin/mail, simply install mailx
if you want mail.


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