Package: debconf
Version: 1.5.27
Severity: minor
Tags: patch l10n

Debconf contains a manual page translation to German but for some reason
the addendum is incorrect. Looking at the svn repository I see that
two versions exist (and I'm not sure which is the ultimate one), a
.pod one and a man one. 

There are two problems:
a) The main translator (at least in stable) is not mentioned at all,
   which is a real pitty.
b) There have been some updates by me which would need mentioning for
   more current revisions.

Please use the following addendum for future (point?) releases:
PO4A-HEADER:mode=after;position=^\.TH;beginboundary=^\.SH "SIEHE AUCH"
Die deutsche Übersetzung wurde 2008 von Florian Rehnisch
<> und 2008, 2009 von Helge Kreutzmann <>
angefertigt. Diese Übersetzung ist Freie Dokumentation; lesen Sie die
GNU General Public License Version 2 oder neuer für die Kopierbedingungen.

(This mail is probably latin1 encoded, so please recode it utf-8
before including).

(Of course, if the pod version is the leading one, simply add the main 
text starting from "Die deutsche" into there; if you need help please
aks me and I'll provide that one).

Btw. I don't know if I could in principle do the update myself, so if
thats wanted we can discuss this.

      Dr. Helge Kreutzmann           
        64bit GNU powered                     gpg signed mail preferred
           Help keep free software "libre":

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