On Thu, 17 Sep 2009, Luca Falavigna wrote:

> Hi Tim,
> your package is FTBFSing due to changes in boost1.39, as described here:
> http://svn.debian.org/viewsvn/pkg-boost/boost/trunk/debian/NEWS.Debian?r1=14443&r2=14478
> Fix consists in removing 01-fix-ftbfs-with-new-boost.diff.
> I plan to prepare a NMU in the next few days and upload to the DELAYED
> queue as per devref ยง5.11.1, please inform me if you want me to wait.

Hi Luca,

I have no problem with your NMUing that change (I agree that all that is 
needed is to remove the patch from last time).  That said, I was probably 
going to get around to doing such an upload on Saturday, so if you have a 
lot of these to take care of, I'd be happy to deal with this one.

        Best regards,
        -Tim Abbott

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