
After looking at the patches, I was able to delete the following 29 patches,
which were already included in upstream trunk:

    - 100-node.d-tomcat_access.patch
    - 110-node.d-tomcat_jvm.patch
    - 120-node.d-tomcat_threads.patch
    - 130-node.d-tomcat_volume.patch
    - 140-node.d-ups_.patch
    - 160-node.d-postgres-plugins.patch
    - 200-node-plugins.history.patch
    - 210-munindoc-manpage.patch
    - 211-munin-manpage.patch
    - 220-Makefile.patch
    - 231-exim_mailstats.patch
    - 232-ntp_offset.patch
    - 234-smart_.patch
    - 270-Plugin.pm-typo.patch
    - 310-node-configure_bugfix
    - 330-courier-typo
    - 340-nfsd-fix.patch
    - 350-munin-run-usage-fix.patch
    - 380-munin-graph-utf8.patch
    - 410-muninnodeconf-manpage.patch
    - 450-munin-cgi-graph.patch
    - 480-node.d-apache-asterisk.patch
    - 490-node.d-asterisk-if.in
    - 520-node.d-nut-plugins
    - 540-node.d-acpi-lenny
    - 571-node.d-postfix-mailstats.patch
    - 572-node.d-postfix-mailstats.patch
    - 600-munin-node-conf-setsid.patch
    - 610-plugin-cpu-fix-max.patch

Goodbye low hanging fruit :)
Now we are left with the real work.

    Tom Feiner

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