package python-coverage
tags 535764 + pending

On 27-Sep-2009, Yaroslav Halchenko wrote:
> it might better to feed Debian with most recent pre-release 3.1b1 (not
> that we aim python3 support for any upcoming release ;))

I disagree; I think the actual Coverage 3.1 release will come soon
enough that we can ship Coverage 3.0.1 for now.

That said, I have uploaded a release of 3.0.1 but it has been stuck in
limbo for a while. I'm tagging this report accordingly.

 \     “I cannot conceive that anybody will require multiplications at |
  `\   the rate of 40,000 or even 4,000 per hour …” —F. H. Wales, 1936 |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney <>

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