Package: duplicity
Version: 0.6.05-2
Severity: wishlist

I like how duplicity works, but having overlong backup chains to conserve
bandwidth/space puts too much pressure on the reliability of the remote
destination. I would like to keep the chains shorter, but can't due to space
constraints as the only alternative is a periodic full backup.

Is there a reason as of why "incremental" could not accept a "-t" argument to
specify which archive to use as the previous archive and let me manage the
storage by myself?

If I had a time or filename specifier like this, I could implement a
differential backup script on top of duplicity without any special handling on
duplicity's part, much in the same way as you implement differential tar

As long as "restore" walks the backup chain from the most recent volume, it
should also work unchanged.

I've seen some old comments in the duplicity mailing list, but no proper
feature request. I'm also filing this here for other Debian users to see,
since the inability to perform differential archives kinds-of defeats the
initial space gain you have with duplicicy.


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