tag 541148 +wontfix
severity 541148 wishlist

Hi Justin,

On Thursday, 27. August 2009, Justin Pryzby wrote:
> We use ubuntu at my workplace, but I'm only familiar with bug
> submission for Debian.  So I checked that this applies to the package
> in debian's unstable, but forgot to change the version header.
> check_http current allows --follow=foo or -f foo, but not -f=foo.
> Also the implementation doesn't error when "foo" is an invalid string.
> This patch allows -f=foo and errors if "foo" isn't a recognized
> "follow" parameter.

please commit this patch upstream[1], actually I will not accept this patch.

Thanks and with kind regards, Jan.
[1] http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=add&group_id=29880&atid=397597
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