Hello Joey,

>CGI::Cookie would lead you to belive it follows RFC 2109, when it says
>For full information on cookies see
I wouldn't read this as 'conforms to', nevertheless:

>CGI::Cookie uses only the old
>expires field that is in the old netscape cookies spec.
This is still the case with Perl 5.10.1. Is it still a problem with any
browser? Should I forward upstream the request to implement 'Max-Age' now?

>Note: For backward compatibility, the separator in the Cookie header
>   is semi-colon (;) everywhere.  A server should also accept comma (,)
>   as the separator between cookie-values for future compatibility.
This part works well for me in Perl 5.10.1.

Eugene V. Lyubimkin aka JackYF, JID: jackyf.devel(maildog)gmail.com
C++/Perl developer, Debian Developer

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