yellowprotoss wrote:
Package: qemu
Version: 0.9.1-10lenny1
Severity: important


qemu-img , create any image

qemu -fda bootdiskwin98se.img -hda image.img

and No drive C

what's going wrong with qemu-img/qemu?

I can't reproduce this.  There's no drive C: indeed
(drives in dos/windows are formatted fat16 or fat32
_partitions_, not physical drives).  After fdisk and
format are run on the empty drive, windows recognizes
newly created logical disks.

This is how windows works.

If you mean that the system does not recognize the
hard drive (physical from guest's point of view),
that's different matter and should be reported as
such.  But it usually works in windows98, since it
uses bios calls to detect drives and that's what
qemu provides.

Qemu itself does not _detect_ any drives, it _creates_
the drives instead, in a way it has been told in the
command line.  The way you used is how everyone else
uses qemu with drives for guests, by specifying -hda
option with the disk image.  It works this way since
the very first days.


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