Tomasz Grzelak wrote:
2009/10/21 Gabriele Giacone < <>>
    Under /etc/rc6.d,
    before          after
    S01sendsigs     S20sendsigs
    S01umountfs     S40umountfs
    S01umountroot   S60umountroot
    S01reboot       S90reboot
    After fixing the scripts above, system booted fine. Then I fixed all
    the remaining.

Hi Tomasz

would it be enough to just manually correct symlinks as described above without reinstalling anything? I wouldn't like to render my system unusable because of messing with those critical packages.
Besides, aren't any changes required in other rcX.d - is rc6.d enough?

And what did you exactly mean by "Then I fixed all the remaining"?

If you have corrected the problem could you please describe step by step what should be done to fix this?

I started to modify the above ones then I continued with all the other ones.
My goal was to get the "official" sequence number.
Steps? For each init.d script, remove current rcN links and reinstall the package it belongs. Use the following script. It let you choose among /etc/init.d scripts and the reinstallation of the package they belong. Package reinstall implies reconfigure? My system is a desktop, I didn't do complex reconfiguration. Compare before and after sequence numbers and you should see a lot of differences.

for i in /etc/init.d/*
    _file=$(basename $i)
    echo -e "File >>> $_file <<< OK? \c"
    read _answ
    [ "$_answ" != "y" ] && continue
### "find" to see current sequence numbers
    find /etc/rc*|grep $_file
### removing current links
    update-rc.d -f $_file remove
### from file to package
    dpkg -S $i
    _pkg=$(dpkg -S $i|cut -d: -f1)
### reinstall it?
    echo -e "Reinstall package >>> $_pkg <<< OK? \c"
    read _answ
    [ "$_answ" != "y" ] && continue
    apt-get -y --reinstall install $_pkg
### "find" to see new sequence numbers
    find /etc/rc*|grep $_file

All of these fixes should be done by package upgrade phase but in the most cases it doesn't happen. I've installed this squeeze a couple of months ago and during this period all of these sequence number have changed?


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