
I think we've encountered each other some while ago in a discussion with
mhatta about repackaging abiword using a git repository (which seems to
have died).

On Sun, Oct 25, 2009 at 02:45:23PM +0100, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> Just adding the configure option --enable-libabiword is not sufficient  
> for official Debian packaging, as the resulting library is too  
> simplisticly built, not handling -fPIC flags and recompiling without  
> -fPIC for a static .a file as required by Debian Policy §10.2.
> Upstream seems to be aware of this - the file  
> src/wp/main/unix/GNUmakefile.am contains the following note:
> [...]

Note that upstream doesn't track ABI changes through SONAME, which would
further complicate the packaging of libabiword.

> After private conversations with Masayuki Hatta primo 2009 I started  
> work on solving this.  It is a big process as it also includes  
> repackaging Abiword to not use the old and difficult to maintain  
> tarball-in-tarball packaging design.  Also, the work on this has stalled  
> since march due to other major packaging tasks of mine.
> The current work-in-progress code is at  
> git://git.debian.org/git/collab-maint/abiword.git (and other parts of  
> the repackaged abiword package which needs to be ready too before  
> releasing is at .../abiword-docs, .../abiword-extras and  
> .../abiword-plugins).
> help with this major process is much appreciated.

As a result of the mentioned discussion, I did some packaging work too
in July 2009, starting the repository from scratch, following some of
the various git packaging recommendations. Part of this is using topgit
instead of dpatch.

I think 2.7.6 (with which I started packaging from scratch) is in a
somewhat working stage in my repo, and after mhatta and joshk seem to
have lost interest (see also debian bug #548365), I intended to give
packaging 2.8.0 a try from what I have with 2.7.6 when it comes out the
next days.

Now you've stepped up to the plan again ;-) and I want to spare us
duplicate efforts. Note that upstream has included -plugins in the main
tarball since 2.7.2, so my repository already accounts for that. My
proposal is that I work on 2.8.0 off my repository, but merging in some
of your changes (such as -Wl,--as-needed). I'd then let you have it for
inspection and polishing. What do you think?

What did you intend to do about libabiword, as upstream doesn't set a
SONAME, but Debian requires a changing package name (policy 8.1)? Use
libtool's -release flag instead (see libtool.info), and name both
library and package "libabiword-2.8.0"?

Kind regards,

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