
Thank you for the bug report.

mp3split, vorbis-tools, flac, faad and lame are not needed to stream
music.  These packages are *only* needed for transcoding/downsampling.
They are not needed to stream mp3's, flac, or oggs from a default
installation of Ampache.

I consider the use of the transcoding/downsampling feature part of a
custom installation and I consider it the responsibility of the
user/system admin to learn about, install, and configure the above
mentioned packages. 

Everything below line 480 in ampache.cfg.php are "optional" features for
the user to use and are not active in the default installation.

Please have a look at http://ampache.org/wiki/config:transcode if you
are having trouble getting transcoding/downsampling working.  I am
usually on IRC freenode #ampache (porthose).


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