Quoting Raphael Hertzog (hert...@debian.org):

> Yes, dselect has no real maintainer. Step up if you care about it.
> Our goal is to get rid of it within dpkg as soon as possible (i.e. when
> libdpkg is advanced enough for dselect).

Frankly speaking, for other packages where there is no real
maintainer, where the userbase is small and that have many bugs, we
are not that sentimental and the packages are removed from the
archive. Period, basta and voilà.

Who is really thinking that someone will *ever* step up to maintain

The only benefit ofhaving it in dpkg right now is to make you
(Raphaël, Guillem) waste valuable time in answering such bugs and, for
instance, preventing RC bugs on dselect to keep dpkg away from

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