Looking into changelog I can see that verbose output was removed in
but there's no info WHY it was removed.
I find it quite useful.
When you have something wrong configured it can help you figure it out.
See i.e. https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=444262
*From:* Michael Meskes <mes...@debian.org>
***Date:* Sun, 13 Sep 2009 13:45:40 +0200
> I wonder if you really still need the verbose option as it doesn't
seem to do
> more than "hostname -i; hostname -a; hostname -f" can do.
It doesn't seem to do because the verbose output was removed in
But in version prior to 2.90 it does more than "-a / -i / -f".
in hostname version prior to 2.90
"hostname -vi" on my machine does:
Resolving `dhcp-lab-229.englab.brq.redhat.com' ...
Result: h_name=`dhcp-lab-229.englab.brq.redhat.com'
Result: h_aliases=`localhost.localdomain'
Result: h_aliases=`localhost'
Result: h_addr_list=`'
where "hostname -i" does only:
(the same I get when running "hostname -vi" with version 2.90 and higher)
So either consider adding the verbose output back or adding a note to
hostname man page
that verbose mode was removed.
Now there's:
-v, --verbose
Be verbose and tell what's going on.
Jiri Popelka